Accepting invitation tries to create an event in RO shared calendar

Hi there!

Users A and B have shared there CalDAV/Nextcloud calendars to each other. So that they can see/RO each others personal calendar. The calendars were shared through the Nextcloud web UI and show up nicely in each others calendar panel.

When users A and B now get an event invitation from an external sender and both accept the invitation, the confirmation email from each is send to the external inviter (ok) but for user A EMC tries to save the event to the shared RO calendar of user B throwing an error as this calendar is RO for user A.

In all account settings the own personal Nextcloud calendars are set as default folders. Expectation would be that EMC would try to save the event in the set default folder/personal calendar and not in a shared RO calendar.

Any ideas on this behaviour?

Thanks in advance!