Accents on a laptop with a US-keyboard


I really enjoy your software but I am having a trouble. I am french and I have a laptop with a US keyboard. I cannot find how to type in accents like “é” or “à” etc. Could somebody help me?

Thanks a lot!



this is not eM Client issue, but you will need to find French keyboard layout on Google, so you will see which key is located where.



Thanks for you reply!

The problem is that even if I am able to type the french accents in Word and in Chrome, the same shortcuts that I am using don’t work in eM Client.


do you mean by this that eM Client shortcuts does not work with French keyboard and with English they do?


No. I mean that I do not know what the eM Client shortcuts are. I have an american keyboard so I use shortcuts with Word and Chrome to make french accents, but these shortcuts do not work with eM client. So my question is, are there eM Client specific shortcuts that I can use to do accents such as; é à è ç î ö etc. etc.

Thank you,


well in 6th version you can set/view them in Tools - Settings - General - Shortcuts.


I have downloaded the 6th version and I can’t seem to be able to add my own Shortcuts. Is that normal?

Hi, you are unable to edit shortcuts or add your own? We only support editing shortcuts already implemented.

My problem is the accents… not shortcuts in general, just the shortcuts for the accents. The shortcuts provided in the 6th edition do not include accents at all. So if I can’t add them, what can I do so that I am able to type the accents I previously listed (é à è ç î ö etc. etc.) ?

Do you have an extended keyboard with numbers on the right hand side?

If so I believe you type the shortcuts there.


so you want to have shortucts for these signs if I have understood it right?

Excatly! :slight_smile:

Nope, I don’t.

I have asked my superiors and we will not add shortcuts for these special characters.
