Working location in Calendar


Is it possible to use Google calendar working location in eM Client calendar? I’m going to buy several licenses. But if this feature is not present yet it confuse me so much…

Could you please clarify it for me?

Thanks in advance.


Screenshot 2022-05-12 131909

I see the Location option in Google Calendar settings online is only available in Google Workspace business gsuite accounts and not personal Workspace accounts, so I couldn’t test if same Location option does appear somewhere in eM Client Google Calendar as you want.

However you could just create a “Blank All Day Calendar event” in each day of the month and title / name the event in the top field the “Location Name” eg" Office, Home, Beach, New York or Palm Springs, etc. It will then appear at the top of every calendar day just under the heading. So the first blank event “becomes your location name”.

Thanks for the solution, but I still need to change it in a google web calendar and in eM Client calendar. It’s not very comfortable. Moreover the other event will move it down…

Ah ok I see. Hopefully then someone else on this free forum can help you with other options.