When emclient starts and syncs with gmail, I get an error

When emclient starts and syncs with gmail, I get the following error “Uploading item(s) to folder ‘[email protected]/Contacts/’ failed due to the following error: Execution of request failed: https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/[email protected]/full/4376c7e08e4ea3bc ([line 10, column 31, element gd:gmail] g:gmail/@ address required)”

Is the problem with gmail or emclient? How do I fix it?

Hi Ed,
this was a problem with google servers, but we already implemented a fix in the newest version - so either update through “Help > Check for update” or download the version here > http://www.emclient.com/dist/v6.0.234…

Best regards,

“Help > Check for update” said there is no update available. I am running version 6.023421.0.

I clicked on the link you posted, and I was prompted to either repair or remove emclient. I chose repair, but that did not fix the problem.

Hi Ed,
can you try opening the Contacts tab in the left side menu and under your gmail account right click the folder Contacts? Right click > Properties > Repair and run repair on the folder.
Please let me know if the issue persists.

Best regards,

Thanks very much Olivia. That fixed the problem. Much appreciative.