User settings for conversations - Message order & Expand all messages by default

Hi eM Client,

By popular demand in the support forum, we would like to have the addition of the following settings to improve the readability and accessibility of conversation threads:

  1. Message Order Setting:
    We would love a user preference that allows for the newest messages in the conversation to be displayed at the top of the list, rather than at the bottom. As an example, here is a Chrome extension for Gmail which reverses the conversation order for a more intuitive reading experience: Gmail Reverse Conversation.

  2. Expand All Messages by Default Setting: To address difficulties in navigating through conversations and locating specific messages, we would love to have a setting that ensures all messages within a conversation are expanded by default. This functionality will enable users to scroll through the entire conversation without the need to individually click to expand messages, akin to the user experience provided by Microsoft Outlook.

Thanks for supporting these requests and making eM Client the best mail client out there!


This we already do in the message list. Just expand the thread where you will see the newest message at the top. But in the preview pane, we display the messages in natural reading order. You always go to the oldest unread message, or if all message are already read, to the latest message when entering the preview pane so there is no scrolling needed to get to where you need to be.

If you would like to request some feature for consideration, see here: Introducing Sleekplan for eM Client 💡

Blockquote @Gary: But in the preview pane, we display the messages in natural reading order. You always go to the oldest unread message, or if all message are already read, to the latest message when entering the preview pane so there is no scrolling needed to get to where you need to be.

Yes, that is how it is today and that is very much well understood. I’ve put effort adding this feature request simply because me and many other users don’t like this way.

Thanks for understanding and listening to your users,

Blockquote @Gary If you would like to request some feature for consideration, see here: Introducing Sleekplan for eM Client :bulb:

I didn’t know about Sleekplan before. I like it actually! I’ll add my requests in two separate posts there and leave it over to the community to decide.
