Update Version 10 my experience

Hello folks,

after updating to version I0 have so many problems that I no longer trust the software.

I work with MacOs - latest version and synchronize my emails, calendars and addresses with iCloud.

Contacts - this is where the biggest problems are:

  • a string was written to many contacts during synchronization with the new version, which renders many phone numbers unusable
  • some phone numbers were lost
  • reliable synchronization between iCloud and addresses was not possible even with version 9 - in my opinion this was not fixed either, especially when you gave addresses a label in the eM client
  • the entire assignment of addresses and phone numbers to categories such as “mobile phone” “private” was lost
  • there are also a few other small errors that I don’t want to list here

If I had known how much work I had to put into the entire revision, I wouldn’t have bought an update for so much money. In the end I had to delete the entire iCloud account from the eM Client, set it up again and then rework all the settings and many rules. I invested many hours and it is really very, very annoying! It is really very unprofessional and the added value of the update is limited. I am really depressed!

Hallo Leute,

nach dem Update auf Version 10 habe ich soviel Probleme das mir das Vertrauen in die Software mittlerweile fehlt.
Ich arbeite mit MacOs - neueste Version und synchronisiere mit der iCloud meine eMails, Kalender und Adressen.

Kontakte - hier gibt es die größten Probleme:

  • in viele Kontakte wurde ein String bei der synchronisation mit der neuen Version geschrieben, die viele Telefonnummern unbrauchbar macht
  • teilweise gingen Telefonnummern verloren
  • eine zuverlässige Synchronisation zwischen iCloud und Adressen war schon mit der Version 9 nicht möglich - dies wurde auch nicht behoben meiner Meinung genau dann, wenn man Adressen ein Etikett im eM Cliet gegeben hat
  • die ganze Zuordnung der Adressen und Telefonnummern zu Kategorien wie “Mobiltelefon” “Privat” ist verloren gegangen
  • dazu kommen noch ein paar andere kleine Fehler die ich hier nicht mehr aufführen will

Hätte ich gewusst wieviel Arbeit ich in die gesamte Überarbeitung stecken musste, hätte ich nicht für soviel Geld ein Update gekauft. Letztendlich musste ich das gesamte Konto der iCloud aus dem eM Client löschen, neu einrichten und dann alle Einstellungen und viele Regeln überarbeiten. Ich habe viele Stunden investiert und das ist wirklich sehr sehr ärgerlich! Es ist wirklich sehr unprofessionell und der Mehrwert des Updates, ist begrenzt. Ich bin echt deprimiert!

Contacts - this is where the biggest problems are.

a string was written to many contacts during synchronization with the new version, which renders many phone numbers unusable.

What string was added to your iCloud contacts when you upgraded to V10 ?

If I had known how much work I had to put into the entire revision, I wouldn’t have bought an update for so much money.

As you bought the V10 upgrade, have you contacted official eM Client VIP Support about these and those other upgrade issues ?.

If you haven’t suggest to go to the following page and login at the top left and lodge a support ticket.

Also check you have the latest eM Client V10.1.4828 Mac update via the release history page as you might have an older version.

Hello, no I didn’t contact support. There would have been no solution because after installing version 10 all the data was synchronized, so my original data was overwritten. I don’t think support can undo that. I’ve been using the client for a few years now, but I’ve never experienced such a disaster. I certainly won’t buy another update.

The String called:


The String called:


Ok I’ve personally never seen that string added before on Mac with eM Client iCloud Contacts upgrade so would need to be investigated by support.

No I didn’t contact support. There would have been no solution because after installing version 10 all the data was synchronized, so my original data was overwritten.

You should definitely still contact support via the VIP Support page “as they might be able to find a way to fix that for you” and also “see why that happened when you upgraded” as normally upgrading from V9 to V10 with iCloud accounts works perfectly.

You have 12 months VIP support as you have purchased eM Client.

I wrote to VIP Support. At the same time, I noticed that address data was being added again using additional strings. I had already revised everything and it is still going on like this.