update backup algorithm to use 7zip

Currently, backup is using the outdated zip algorithm.
Any thoughts on changing that to the free 7zip algorithm to improve compression?

Hi, we’re currently not planning this feature, archiving the database using the standard zip format improves compatibility across operating systems and also allows users to extract the database manually on a newly setup computer, as zip unarchiving is a default feature of current modern systems.

Hi Paul, any plans for 7zip in Version 7? i don’t understand why you need compatibility across platforms, as emclient supports only windows os.

Hello Rüdiger,
the default compression algorithm for windows is still zip.
Also we need to be compatible with older versions of windows and have an iOS version in the works.
So we do not plan to change the backup algorithm at this moment.
Thank you for your understanding.


I don’t understand what you mean with comparibility to older versions of windows. the 7zip library is freely available, so you could integrate it into emclient instead of relying on os capabilities… so why do you stick to a completely outdated compression format?