Ununstall ver 10 and reinstall ver 9

I have had eM Client installed on our computers for many years and recently updated to version 10. Unfortunately, I have had a number of problems that I no longer have the strength to try to fix so we’ve been using version 9 on laptops.

Can anyone please tell me the easiest way to reinstall ver 9 to my desktop? Which files and folders from the laptop with ver 9 need to be copied after unistalling ver 10 from deskstop?



If you have V10 still installed and want to downgrade back to V9, see the following eM Client support article link below. If you do want to try V10 again in the future, then you can always post your questions again on this forum. Also if you have a active paid Pro or Personal version, you can also go to the VIP Support page and lodge a support ticket anytime.

(How can I downgrade back to eM Client 9, eM Client 8 or older?)


If you have eM Client V9 already installed and working and want to copy that to another laptop or desktop, then the best way to do that is via the “built-in backup and restore”.

So you open eM Client V9 and click “Menu / Backup” (Pc) or “File / Backup” (Mac). That will create a dated backup.zip file in your “Documents / eM Client” folder by default. You can see when the backup is complete by clicking the dropdown on the right of “Refresh” and clicking “Show Operations”.

Once the backup is completed, “copy that dated backup.zip file to a eg: USB stick or External portable drive”. Then install the latest V9 from the Release History Page and open eM Client and “Skip the setup wizard” so eM Client is open with no accounts etc.

Then “paste your dated backup.zip file” from your external USB or Portable drive into your new computer “Documents / eM Client” folder. Then in eM Client, click “Menu / File / Restore” which should then automatically start restoring your complete date from your first computer. You might then need to manually select the dated backup.zip file to restore if it doesn’t auto restore.

Lastly once restored on your other desktop or laptop, if you only have the one single V9 license and eM Client says its not activated, go to Menu > Help > License on Windows or Help > License on macOS and insert your Activation key.

Note: If you carn’t find your activation key, you can go to the following eM Client page and enter your registered email address and it will be resent to you which you can get via your webmail.


First, thanks for replying.

Before I try reinstalling version 9 I thought I’d give reinstalling ver 10 another try. maybe I missed something.

If I Deactivate the ver 10 license, could I simply reinstall it as if I were doing it for the first time?


If I Deactivate the ver 10 license, could I simply reinstall it as if I were doing it for the first time?

If you want to do a clean Windows 10 install, you can do that two ways.

One is to uninstall eM Client and “delete the database” when asked on the uninstall wizard. Then re-download V10 via the release history page and reinstall and setup as new via the wizard.

Or you could close eM Client V10 and then “rename the following hidden mail database folder” to eg: eM Client-Old. Then reopen eM Client which will also open the wizard to setup as new and create a brand new database.

(Windows hidden eM Client database folder)
“Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\eM Client”