Unable to download gmail messages

I am unable to download my gmail messages. When I open a new message I can see the sender’s name and icon but it never updates the text even if I wait forever. I have tried turning off firewall. I am able to send messages.

If you right-click on the All Mail folder and choose Properties > Repair, is there any difference?

Umm, I don’t see any “Repair” on the properties window. This started working again after about a day, both in em-client and in Firefox. I think the problem must have been with Google.

I had gmail working for about a week and it has quit again. I can open messages but the text never downloads. Today I am able to read gmail on my web browser (unlike last week). I have forwarded gmail to another mail account which I am able to access without problems in emclient.

“Repair” option is not there on my emclient.


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