Unable to connect to server suddenly

All of a sudden receiving message unable to connect to server. Have not changed any settings. Help!!

Have you checked with your web host to determine if they are having problems OR if they have “suddenly” changed anything?

Does turning off VPN and Anti-Virus apps help?

Web host still working. Can get mail there. No VPN. Have not tried turning off anti-virus yet

Turning off anti-virus did not help

One still needs to find out if they have changed any settings, etc that would affect email apps (eMC) from connecting.

Web host is AOL, no changes there.

This has helped others with AOL connection issues… perhaps it will help you

From @Gary

Been fighting this for over a week until I ran across this. Great fix!!! Thank you very much. Maybe EM Client could add this to their help file as it would save frustration. It’s a great program but I really had to search here to find the answer but it was worth it. Keep up the great work!!!