Teams / Zoom integration

Hi eMC:

Thanks for the recent release in 8.2 of integration with Teams / Zoom / Google Meet. It is good, but seems to have a few glitches

  • On occasion, I seem to be listed as the meeting organiser for calendar entries which result when I accept meeting requests from others.

  • The ‘send notification emails to attendees’ window does not always pop-up when I make changes to exisitng meeting entries, even though such notifications may indeed be sent: this causes uncertainty, meaning that I have to delete and recreate certain meetign entries

  • the names for the service options (Zoom, Team) - which appear on the online meetingset up screen - coudl usefully be customisable. At present, I have two MS Teams subscriptions (two different corporates) and cannot easily tell which one to select for a given session.

I would be grateful if you could address these points.


John Harrison