Task dates lost when upgrading to 8.2.1237

Just uploaded 8.2.1237 and the due dates and recurrences for several recurring tasks have been lost - a real pain because I can’t remember all the dates!

Not only that when I tried to re-enter some of the dates manually the option to enter recurring tasks is missing. Clicking on Advanced Options just displays the Notes field, nothing else.

Tried to repair from Control Panel, but no change

Tried to download the previous version from your website, but eMClient wouldn’t let me install it because its not the latest version.

I’m reluctant to uninstall and and re-install an earlier version in case more problems occur.

Please advise how I can step back one or two releases because I know one of these was working OK as I upgraded earlier in the week, although I’m not sure which one.

It feels as though this update has been pushed out too quickly…

It may be that because these fields are not supported by your server, they are no longer displayed in eM Client.

There are two options:

  1. Move them to a server that support the fields.

  2. Move them to Local Folders, where ALL fields are supported. If Local Folders are not visible, you can enable them in Menu > Settings > General > Show Local Folders.