Syn Error on subfolder

I keep getting an error on synchronizing subfolder saved. all other folders sync fine any ideas?

10:09:21 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/4Saved
10:09:22 Work [IMAP] MailExceptions.ConnectionException:
10:09:22 (Connection terminated)
10:09:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.ImapCommand.ThrowIfConnectionBroken(BasicResponse response)
10:09:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeMessagesCommand.FetchNewMessages(ConnectionContext context, String selectPath, UInt32 idLow, UInt32 idHigh, String idList, Boolean useUid, UInt32 messageCountEstimate)
10:09:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeMessagesCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
10:09:22 at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)

Can you please post here full text from the tab “Log” in the Operations window? Thanks.

The above was i turned logging on and clicked the saved folder which resulted in the error and the log above was produced.

Here is the log now.

10:09:21 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/4Saved
10:09:22 Work [IMAP] MailExceptions.ConnectionException:
10:09:22 (Connection terminated)
10:09:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.ImapCommand.ThrowIfConnectionBroken(BasicResponse response)
10:09:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeMessagesCommand.FetchNewMessages(ConnectionContext context, String selectPath, UInt32 idLow, UInt32 idHigh, String idList, Boolean useUid, UInt32 messageCountEstimate)
10:09:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeMessagesCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
10:09:22 at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
10:11:40 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:11:40 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/
10:11:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/
10:11:40 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/
10:11:40 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: For folder Work/Trash
10:11:40 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/
10:11:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/Contacts/’
10:11:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:11:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/Inbox
10:11:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/Inbox
10:11:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:11:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Contacts
10:11:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: Done
10:11:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]
10:11:42 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:11:42 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/gavin pedley/’
10:11:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Sync Issues
10:11:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/All Mail
10:11:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Drafts
10:11:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Important
10:11:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Sent Mail
10:11:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Public Folders
10:11:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Spam
10:11:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Starred
10:11:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Bin
10:11:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:44 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:11:44 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/4Saved
10:11:44 Work [IMAP] MailExceptions.ConnectionException:
10:11:44 (Connection terminated)
10:11:44 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.ImapCommand.ThrowIfConnectionBroken(BasicResponse response)
10:11:44 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeMessagesCommand.FetchNewMessages(ConnectionContext context, String selectPath, UInt32 idLow, UInt32 idHigh, String idList, Boolean useUid, UInt32 messageCountEstimate)
10:11:44 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeMessagesCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
10:11:44 at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
10:13:07 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:07 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:07 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:13:18 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/
10:13:19 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:13:19 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/Inbox
10:13:19 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:13:19 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Contacts
10:13:20 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:13:20 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Sync Issues
10:13:20 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:20 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:13:20 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Public Folders
10:13:21 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…
10:13:21 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:21 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:13:21 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:13:21 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/4Saved
10:13:22 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…: Done
10:13:22 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…
10:13:22 Work [IMAP] MailExceptions.ConnectionException:
10:13:22 (Connection terminated)
10:13:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.ImapCommand.ThrowIfConnectionBroken(BasicResponse response)
10:13:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeMessagesCommand.FetchNewMessages(ConnectionContext context, String selectPath, UInt32 idLow, UInt32 idHigh, String idList, Boolean useUid, UInt32 messageCountEstimate)
10:13:22 at MailClient.Imap.Synchronizer.SynchronizeMessagesCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
10:13:22 at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
10:13:22 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…: Done
10:13:22 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…
10:13:22 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…: Done
10:13:23 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:23 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…
10:13:23 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: Done
10:13:23 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…: Done
10:13:23 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…
10:13:24 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…: Done
10:13:24 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:25 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: Done
10:13:33 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:33 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:33 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:13:35 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…
10:13:36 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…: Done
10:13:36 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…
10:13:36 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…: Done
10:13:37 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:37 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: Done
10:13:38 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages
10:13:38 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages: From Inbox to [Google Mail]/Bin
10:13:38 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages: Done
10:13:38 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: Done
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages: From Inbox to [Google Mail]/Bin
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Downloading message part…: Done
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages: Done
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: Done
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages
10:13:39 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages: From Inbox to [Google Mail]/Bin
10:13:40 Gmail [IMAP] Copying messages: Done
10:13:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:13:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing message flags: Done
10:16:40 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:16:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/
10:16:40 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/
10:16:40 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/
10:16:40 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/
10:16:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/Contacts/’
10:16:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:16:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/Inbox
10:16:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/Inbox
10:16:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:16:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:16:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/gavin pedley/’
10:16:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]
10:16:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Contacts
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/All Mail
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Drafts
10:16:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Sync Issues
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Important
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Sent Mail
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Spam
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Starred
10:16:43 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:43 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Public Folders
10:16:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Bin
10:16:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:43 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:16:43 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/Inbox
10:16:44 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:21:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/
10:21:40 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/Contacts/’
10:21:40 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/
10:21:40 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/
10:21:40 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/
10:21:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:21:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:21:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/Inbox
10:21:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/Inbox
10:21:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:21:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Contacts
10:21:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:21:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]
10:21:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/gavin pedley/’
10:21:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Sync Issues
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/All Mail
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Drafts
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Important
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Sent Mail
10:21:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Public Folders
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Spam
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Starred
10:21:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Bin
10:21:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:21:43 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:22:03 Work [SMTP] Connecting: To Work
10:22:04 Work [SMTP] Connected: To Work
10:22:04 Work [SMTP] Sending messages
10:22:04 Work [SMTP] Disconnected: From Work
10:22:04 Work [SMTP] Disconnected: Done
10:22:04 Work [IMAP] Uploading messages: To folder Work/Sent
10:22:04 Work [IMAP] Uploading messages: Done
10:22:07 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/Sent
10:22:08 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:22:09 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/Trash
10:22:09 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:22:11 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/Drafts
10:22:11 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:22:13 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Work/7Facebook stuff
10:22:14 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:26:40 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/
10:26:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/
10:26:40 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/
10:26:40 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/
10:26:40 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/Contacts/’
10:26:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:26:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:26:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/Inbox
10:26:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/Inbox
10:26:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:26:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:26:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Contacts
10:26:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]
10:26:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Sync Issues
10:26:42 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/gavin pedley/’
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/All Mail
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Drafts
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Important
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Sent Mail
10:26:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Public Folders
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Spam
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Starred
10:26:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Bin
10:26:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:26:43 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:40 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/
10:31:40 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/
10:31:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/
10:31:40 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:31:40 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/
10:31:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/Contacts/’
10:31:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:31:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/Inbox
10:31:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/Inbox
10:31:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:31:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:31:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:41 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Contacts
10:31:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/gavin pedley/’
10:31:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]
10:31:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Sync Issues
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/All Mail
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Drafts
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Important
10:31:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:42 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Public Folders
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Sent Mail
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Spam
10:31:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Starred
10:31:43 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:31:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Bin
10:31:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:32:11 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:32:12 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:32:12 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:33:25 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:33:25 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:33:25 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:35:39 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:35:39 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:35:39 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:36:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/
10:36:40 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/
10:36:40 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/
10:36:40 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/
10:36:40 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:36:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/Contacts/’
10:36:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:36:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/Inbox
10:36:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/Inbox
10:36:41 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:41 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:36:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:36:41 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/gavin pedley/’
10:36:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:41 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/All Mail
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Drafts
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Important
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Sent Mail
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:42 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Spam
10:36:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Starred
10:36:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Bin
10:36:43 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:44 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:44 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Contacts
10:36:45 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:45 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Sync Issues
10:36:48 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:36:48 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Public Folders
10:36:51 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:40:17 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:40:17 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:40:17 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing messages: Done
10:41:40 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/
10:41:40 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/
10:41:40 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/
10:41:40 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/Contacts/’
10:41:40 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/
10:41:47 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:47 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Cornwall/Inbox
10:41:47 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:47 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/Inbox
10:41:48 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:48 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Window/Inbox
10:41:48 Cornwall [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:49 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:41:49 Window [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:51 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:51 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Contacts
10:41:52 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:52 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]
10:41:53 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:41:54 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:54 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Sync Issues
10:41:54 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder list
10:41:55 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:55 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/All Mail
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Drafts
10:41:56 Gmail [GData] Synchronizing folder ‘Gmail/gavin pedley/’
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Important
10:41:56 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:56 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Work/Public Folders
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Sent Mail
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Spam
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:56 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Starred
10:41:57 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:57 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: For folder Gmail/[Google Mail]/Bin
10:41:57 Work [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done
10:41:57 Gmail [IMAP] Synchronizing subfolders: Done

Sorry for the delayed reply - does the problem persist? What version are you currently using?