Split database storage

Similar to other requests, but maybe (hopefully) easier to implement?

First, I understand and accept the problems of storing the main database on network/cloud/USB. I don’t like them, but I accept them because pretty much every email client stores messages in some database form or another and has the same problem. For the record, I have previously used eM with the database stored on my server. It’s inconvenient for sure, but if you have the patience to wait for it to sync completely before shutting down your computer (and of course, don’t open it on another computer before that one syncs), it can be done. It would just be awesome if it didn’t need to be done.

Would it be possible, at least, to choose locations for main and archive db SEPARATELY? That one extra choice would allow for getting mail off the servers and in to archive in a way that makes it (a bit) easier to use on multiple computers, because we do have multiple computers. As a bonus, you might teach the program to react gently to a missing archive db, just in case you forget to plug in the flash drive where you decided to store it. I’ve overlooked non-archive local folders here because I don’t use them. Everything is either IMAP and on the provider’s server or it’s in archive, and I didn’t have to move anything manually. For me, the fewer places I have to look for things, the better.

I see a lot of responses on the similar topics saying “You don’t need this”. Some are obviously from other users, but some look to be “official” responses. That’s sad, because the inability or lack of desire to add a feature does not equate to a lack of need for said feature. What doesn’t seem to get addressed is that, although IMAP is a great thing, providers place limits on space, and that space tends to be shared with any other cloud storage they might also provide. If you use your Google drive as backup for your photos and documents, it can leave you with very little room for mail. So yes, we do NEED to get some messages moved to local storage, but we WANT access on our multiple computers, and we WANT to do it in a way that doesn’t involve constant backup/restore cycles or repeated db location changes. Personally, I didn’t buy 3 licenses so that I’d have to run home to my desktop to get at any mail that’s over a year old (the cutoff date for my auto-archive setting).

Much of this comes off sounding like a rant, and I’m sorry for that, but I had to address the fact that telling people that you know what they want and need better than they do themselves is not a great practice. Ok, it also might not have been the intent of those responses, but it does come across that way, just like what I’ve written here sounds a lot like a giant complaint even though that was not my intent.

Happy Friday!

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Lol, i came here to suggest something similar.

I need 2nd database to exclude it from backup. Since my database size is around 100gb, getting daily backup is pain. I would like to have seperate backup time interval for the different databases.

Or an incremental backup would be great.

biggoodwolf I had the exact issue… This is the ONLY issue with eM Client to me but a work-around is to use a symlink for the Local Folders folder to a share location. I didn’t notice any real slow down on the local network by doing this.
An example:
mklink /D "C:\Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\Local Folders" "\\Share\storage\eM Client\Local Folders"

Unfortunately this won’t work with multiple devices, as each device needs to have its own separate database.

Primarily multiple installs can’t access the same database at the same time, even if it is only a part of the database.

And even if they access it separately at different times, a major issue will be if one device gets an update to a newer version of eM Client, then the database will most likely crash on any other device that opens it later using a different version of eM Client. That is because the database format changes regularly between versions, and you can’t have part of the database (Local Folders) in one format, and the rest of the database in another format. And even if the whole database is the same version, an older install of eM Client won’t be able to open it.

So unfortunately you can’t split the database like this in order to use the same Local Folders shared among devices.

And you will need to verify this, but I don’t believe it will resolve the backup issue either, as the eM Client backup will include all the contents of the Local Folder, regardless of where they are symlinked from.

Agreed. I learned not too long after my original post that these desktop programs (eM, Quicken, FTM, etc) don’t like having their databases in the cloud. You can get a way with it, but eventually it will be a problem. My solution since then has been that eM on one computer at home (always on) takes care of archiving and backup, and TeamViewer gets me remote access to that archive when needed. It’s not even an inconvenience since I already use the same tactic for the other programs mentioned above.

Yes, not worth the risk of version update breaking the database and have to restore…
Still contend that some ability to have a built-in method of pure archive of emails to lighten IMAP load and storage would be of great significance… I have 8gb of archive business emails and storing this within my standard mail IMAP server just did not work well as it is archived from multiple accounts to the single point of lookup and backup. I moved to outlook for a while because of this (as it uses PST file storage it was easy to keep this file synced between my machines) but Outlook is slow, cumbersome and archaic compared to em…
Going to the last option available for eM to do this and that is to run a mail server instance on my local server setting up an archive domain and IMAP to eM.

A shared archive ability would be great to have, do you believe it may be something the devs would look at in the future? Even an ability to support plugins so can write it myself would be great…

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Many email providers already offer this. Using server-side archiving, the messages are moved to a single server folder called Archive, which in many cases is not included in the quota you have with them. So you can archive as many messages as you want, and have them synced to all devices along with your normal IMAP folders, but usually not limited by server space.

Check with your provider what they offer. Note that Gmail don’t offer this system of server-side archiving.

Exchange already offer this. They have a system called archive mailboxes, similar to public folders, and you can share that among all your devices or with other Exchange users.

Thanks but that is not what I am looking for. Going into reasons for wanting the feature is time-consuming and (as is occurring now) ends up with back and forward exchanges in justifying why I would want the feature. I am a provider, and I understand the archiving options of mailboxes, but this is NOT what is wanted. Anyway, I will pursue my own path to achieve my needs. Thanks.

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