Spam Filtering needs expansion

I’m liking EmClient better after the culture shock worn off. They’ve thought of most things … it’s just that compared to my last program, they thought differently.

The issue today is spam filtering. The server is running SpamAssassin and although I can apply specific word pairs (such as "X-Spam:Yes) I can’t see a way too filter specific spam score thresholds. One of the only truly virtuous things about my old client was that it had a check box “Trust SpamAssassin Headers” – and all you had to do was check it and the emails from the Nigerian Lawyers dissappeared.

It seems that it would be a long an tedious process to create a filter with with enough keywords and I think you’d need wildcard matches, etc.

Has anyone created a comprehensive spam rule using the tools available and could you share?


domingo 15 enero 2023 :: 0928hrs (UTC 0000)

As you probably know eMC does NOT have SPAM filters and uses (rightly or wrongly dependant upon your view point) whatever is provided by your mail server.
We use a dedicated, paid for, SPAM program server side that has customizable rules and filters - I cannot remember the last time I received any SPAM, across our system we receive several hundred emails per day. Previously I have been asked not to promote 3rd party software on the Forum (we have no financial or other interest in the program) You can search for it, they are easy to find and deal with.
You use Spam Assassin, we do not use this so do not know its capability, however, maybe you are not satisfied.

¡Buena suerte!

¡Saludos desde Puerto de la Cruz la soleada en Tenerife!


[email protected]

Hablo español, luego portugués e inglés, con conocimiento de varios otros idiomas.

Yes, I am familiar with their opinion on that. I also understand the efficiency of a server-side filter.

That said I have a general resistance to the notion of other people and other systems making decisions on our behalf. I am drawn to spam filtering because I can search for mail in my spam folder if there is a mistake, but I appreciate your suggestions.


Server-side spam detection places the messages in the spam folder, which you see in eM Client as the Junk folder.

If you are using Imap, yes. I have people on POP

what’s missing (what would be nice) is a “Spam Assassin Score Above [n]”

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