Spaces in plain text emails

Hi eM Client Pros,

when I receive a plaint-text-email containing an old style list, where columns are formatted with spaces, the columns don’t appear justified as intended by the sender. It seems, as if eM Client would strip several spaces to one space.

It should appear like this:

Column1 Column2
 12 11111
3245 65
 698 9873

But it looks like this:

Column1 Column2
 12 11111
 3245 65
 698 9873

E.g. robocopy
Correct apperance:

eM Client

Of course, I chose a fixed font for display.

Is there a chance to change this behaviour?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Hi Michael, thank you for reporting this issue, we’re unfortunately aware of this issue and we’re working on a fix for upcoming releases of the application.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Hi Paul,

thanks for your response anyway.

I Look forward to the next release and exercise patience :wink:
