Since upgrading to ver 8.0.2703, other emails are dissapearing when I delete an email

When I delete an email, the email near it, likely below it, deletes also for no reason. I’m using imap with Gmail and I turned on the “confirm delete dialog” that seemed to have fixed it, though it makes a lot more work for me, but now I just deleted an email and the one next to it also deleted. Is there a bug at work here?

The version you are using is 2 removed from the current one. I would suggest that you upgrade, before someone else suggests to, and perhaps that will resolve your problem.

When I check for updates within the product it tells me there is no update available.

The check for updates is not working… has not been for awhile… :roll_eyes:

Use this link and grab it from there… grab the latest version (I would do a backup first).

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