Sharing calendar on MAC server and em client


I have setup the EM client for email and calendar/address book with Mac Server 10.11. Now when I want to do internet sharing for the calenders of other users I get an 401 (access denied) error. I think this is because the server want credentials and I am not able to supply those when adding a internet agenda.

Any Suggestions?


Hello Marcel,
could you provide the error message text and content of the Log tab after the error pops up (Tools>Operations>Log)?


The logging from the Popup screen:

17:07:36 Internet Calendars [Web Calendar]  Map 'Internet Calendars/https://dejongs01.dejong.local:8443/calendars/users/leonbrekelmans/calendar// aan het synchroniseren
17:07:36 [email protected] [IMAP]  Submappen aan het synchroniseren: Voor map [email protected]/
17:09:03 [email protected] [IMAP]  Submappen aan het synchroniseren: Gereed
17:09:03 [email protected] [IMAP]  Berichten aan het synchroniseren: Voor map [email protected]/INBOX
17:09:03 [email protected] [IMAP]  Berichten aan het synchroniseren: Gereed
17:09:06   MailClient.Storage.Application.OperationException: Synchroniseren van map ‘Internet Calendars/https://dejongs01.dejong.local:8443/calendars/users/leonbrekelmans/calendar//’ is mislukt met de volgende foutmelding: De externe server heeft een fout geretourneerd: (401) Niet gemachtigd. —> System.Net.WebException: De externe server heeft een fout geretourneerd: (401) Niet gemachtigd.
17:09:06    bij System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
17:09:06    bij MailClient.Protocols.WebCal.WebCalCalendarSynchronizer.Synchronize(IItemSynchronizeContext1 synchronizeContext, Folder folder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) 17:09:06 &nbsp; &nbsp;bij MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizer2.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.b__1(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
17:09:06 bij MailClient.Protocols.WebCal.WebCalGenericCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
17:09:06 — Einde van intern uitzonderingsstackpad —
17:09:06 bij MailClient.Protocols.WebCal.WebCalGenericCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
17:09:06 bij MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
It is in dutch but the message (401) Niet gemachtigd means No rights.

The popup screens gives the same (401) message.

Hi Olivia,

Any news on the logging and issue? I tried several other things but the problem seems to be that the server is requesting for authentication which is not pickup by the client as it looks.

Hello Marcel,
since the calendar needs a login it should be set up as a CalDAV account, which now, looking at your original post, seems that it works.
What doesnt work is a web calendar - which your server does not seem to support?


Hi Olivia, 
I have tested with the Caldav option and that seems to work. 
The server I use is supporting the web calendar function. If I paste the url in a browser it responds with a user challenge and when I put in username and password it shows the items. It seems that the EM client is not supporting the authentication challenge in this case. Is that correct?