Settings for IONOS.COM

What are the correct settings for use with IONOS ?
Currently using Port 143 Force usage of SSL/TLS Port 587 Force usage of SSL/TLS

Normally, these work. But sending to a Gmail address, sometimes the mail reaches its destination and most times not. Always works OK sending to anyone but Gmail.

Thanks, Steve

Normally, these work. But sending to a Gmail address, sometimes the mail reaches its destination and most times not.

When the email doesn’t allways reach the Gmail destination does the email bounce back with an error message ?. If so what’s the error.

If no error and it’s showing in your sent folder ok, could be it’s just gone into the recipients Gmail spam / junk mail folder. Have them check that.

Always works ok sending to anyone but Gmail.

If you can send to anyone except Gmail, then there is nothing wrong with your SMTP server setting.

cyberzork… Thanks for answering. Tried to post the error msg, but the system (eM client) will not let me post it cause I’m a new user.

Looking for another email software…

Thanks anyhow, Steve

Tried to post the error msg, but the system (eM client) will not let me post it cause I’m a new user.

Just create another post (in this thread) with the error message.

Tried to post the error report again… This is what I get from the system…

                Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.

This may help: