Send Later Default to 1 or more days

Is there a way—perhaps by editing a settings file or similar—to set the default send later option to more than 10 minutes? I’m happy to go “under the hood” to do this.

I have a zero-inbox personality, but it has finally dawned on me that responding to people quickly just means I get more email. So, I want to delay all my email, by days or even a week, so that I am a less reliable email person :slight_smile:

Is there a way—perhaps by editing a settings file or similar—to set the default send later option to more than 10 minutes?

I don’t believe you can manually modify that further in any eM Client file, and would need to probably be a modification by the Devs to extend that time. Would also depend how many other users wanted to do that as well.

So, I want to delay all my email, by days or even a week, so that I am a less reliable email person.

Normally then (for days or up to a week later),
you would just keep them in your drafts folder till you are ready to send and not use the send later at all.

The send later option is designed to normally just delay the email (only slightly) to give you time to remove it or delete it if you change your mind.

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