Selecting month view on calendar causes application to crash

When I open the calendar it is currently defaulting to week view.  As soon as I select month view the application crashes each time.  I have checked that my version of em client is up to date. 

I think the leap year is to blame because we have the same problem

there is a bug in the month view of the program that manifested with the leap year.
This update should fix the issue:…


Perform the following steps.
Exit eM.
Set your system date to February 28.
Start eM.
GO to Calendar and select ANY view except Month view. I prefer Week view.
GO back to mail.
Exit eM.
Reset system date to February 29.
Start eM.
Everything should work but do NOT go to Month view. It will immediately experience an application error.
Hope this helps.

Hello.  Thanks for your replies.  I downloaded the fix and its working fine now. Thanks. Rohan

Is there a similar update for Beta 7?

I hope there is a fix soon for the beta