Saving eMails without Client

I sometimes save documents sent to me with emails in Dropbox. However I cannot find away of saving these such that they will open without eM Client. Is there a way of saving emails such that I do not need Client to open them?l

If you mean files with the extension “.EML”: these look like plain text files to me. I can open them in text editors without difficulty. The formatting is not identical from message to message. I guess it depends on the email system where the messages originated. Some contain XML or HTML or other tagging that makes them a bit of a pain to read in, say, Notepad. Some I’ve seen are straight-up plain text throughout and are pretty easy to read in a text editor. That aside, the .EML files themselves all seem to be text files.

You might try this: Make a copy of one of the .EML files and change the copy’s extension to “.txt”. Then try opening it in Notepad or some other text editor. Hope that helps…

“documents” = eMail-Messages?

if you drag-n-drop a Message out of eM-Client it creates an .eml -File.

As you can see in the Wikipedia-Text, EML is a Filetype that can be opened with several eMail -applications, including all the message-properties and Attachments.

(of course you need to open it with an eMail-Application since its a certain File-Type that needs a compatible Application… same as you cannot open a MP3 in Excel…)

If you are looking for just for a “backup” of the written contents:
just export the Message into a PDF-File.
(perhaps using a PDF-Printer etc…)


Thanks Mike, I think I am looking for problems where there are none.  Obviously I am able to forward emails from my PC to others who use other Clients and they are able to read them without difficulty. It was the fact that when I save emails in Dropbox they are referred to as eM Client documents. This led me to worry that if, for any reason, eM Client was on longer available to me I would no longer have access to those emails. I do not know what distinguishes EML files from .doc or .odt document files but from what you say there would not be a problem opening the emails in the circumstances I have outlined.

Thanks Fritz for the extra explanation.

I’m guessing that .EML is a format that became an industry standard — thus, standard routines (coded into various email clients) are used whenever client applications encounter a file with the extension “eml”. When I examined a few .eml files in the file viewer built into Take Command (a Windows command processor replacement), they appeared as text files. If they were binary files they would have opened in the program’s hexadecimal-viewer mode. So as far as I can tell at the moment…even if you don’t have any application that “knows” what .eml means, you can still view the files in a crude tool such as Notepad. The contents would be readable, though not always with the greatest convenience. Meaning, this sort of thing (taken from an .eml file on my system) isn’t fun to read — but at least I can read it:

Upon receipt of your part you should receive a UPS Return label (pre-pai= d). If your label has "Environmental Label" =20 copied on it, then this means it is not mandatory to return the part, howev= er only part of an environmentally friendly =20 option to return if you wish.
