Rules not showing in rule editor but still running

After upgrading to the latest free version, 9.0.1708 (2cfb4a5), of emclient. I went to add a rule and all existing rules, including the two system blacklists, were missing. I see e-mails being appropriately stored and forwarded according to the rules, I just can’t see them.
BTW: I also did an in place upgrade of Win 10 to Win 11 recently, the emclient upgrade was first, unknown exactly when the rules disappeared.

In version 9 we also have server Rules, so you may be seeing that by default.

Go to Menu > Rules and select the location where the current Rules are stored:

Thanks Gary, the location was the issue. Server side rules will be more useful to me when emclient also includes AOL Mail server rules.
emclient does a great job managing multiple e-mail accounts from multiple mail domains.