rules/folders when sending mails to different people at once - how to automatically duplicate the entries for different folders

I have folders with specific rules, e.g. one for mails I send to person A and one for mails I send to person B

when sending a mail to person A AND person B I would like em client to put the respective mail in _BOTH _folders (irrespective if I used CC or BCC options)

any way to do this?

Yes, you can setup the Rule with both options.

So this Rule will move messages from eM Client forum to folder 1 and make a copy to folder 2.


But I think this would not be appropriate for my issue. 

If I ONLY send an mail to person A, I want em client to put this mail ONLY in folder A. 
If I ONLY send an mail to person B, I want em client to put this mail ONLY in folder B. 

But if I send an mail to person A AND person B, I want em client to put this mail in folder A _AND _folder B. 

Not possible in eM Client. Besides, Conversations makes separate folders for sent messages to different persons obsolete.


(I kind of dislike the conversation setting, so I have this deactivated this by standard.)

I hated conversations when it was first introduced. But now . . . can’t wait to finish my work on my Linux machine and get back to eM Client. :wink: