rule not running?

Dear Sir, Madam,

I am just new to emClient. I have set up two accounts, one gmail and one exchange. When sending mail with/from the exchange account, I would like a copy of the sent mail to be put in gmail’s sent folder as well. So i created a rule like this:
“after message has been sent”
"sent using "
"make a copy to gmail/sent"

When i send my mail, nothing happens. When i run the rule manually, it copies the mails over just fine.
Could this be because sent mail appears read in the sent mail folder of the exchange account? What can I do to make this work?

Thanks a lot and all the best,

The Rule should work, but in my experience Rules do not work so well with online folders.

If you have a Pro License, you could open a support ticket to have the developers correct this.

Hi Gary,

Thanks for the feedback! Sadly, the lack of this working would prevent me acquiring a pro license, as for now the program doesn’t work the way I’d expect. I hope the developers see this post, as I assume many of their customers have this problem, online gmail folders being the primary aim of the client after all.

All the best,

I know, it is a deal breaker. Rules work perfectly with POP3 accounts, or any local folders. Just for some reason they are unreliable with IMAP folders.

Did you check in the GMail All Mail folder and see if they were there?