Reply, Reply All and Forward features for Calender Events

Is there a way to send an Email to Attendees from a Calendar Event. Like a “Reply” or “Reply All” - I cannot seem to find this capability either by right-clicking or by selecting the Event and looking at the options?  Also, I do not seem to be able to ‘Forward’ a Calender Event that I have received?  Any help identifying if these features exist would be appreciated?

Just found this conversation from 9mths ago stating that it would be included in version 6.  I am running vers 6.0.20154.0, so maybe an update of when these key features are now planned to be included would be appreciated?

Just switching from outlook now and so funny you have the same issue. Would totally love a resolution to this!

Hi, unfortunately this isn’t currently possible in eM Client, I’ll take it as a suggestion, so we can maybe improve this in future releases.

Thank you for understanding, hope you can manage to use the current settings,