Replly button no longer works

The reply button no longer works, and em keeps telling me that each email has a draft and do want to save it. Very frustrating!!! not being able to reply.


reply works fine for me in both 5th and 6th version, can you tell me what version exactly do you use (help - about) and make screenshot of your error message and post it here?


Though you would want to know. Don’t know what the problem was. I did several reinstalls and that did not work. So, I downloaded a free Uninstaller called Revo uninstaler. That piece of software does a very deep uninstall of any application. After the uninstall, I tried to download EM client again. Once download, and install again, I tried the reply button again. It worked!!! So if you ever get another complaint like this, you know what to recommend - recommend Revo to do a complete uninstall and then download again.


well at least it is working now again :slight_smile:
