removing an item from autocompletion list (To: field in an email)


When entering a text in the To: field of composed email, the autocompletion suggests serveral items.
In those items some are obsolet but remains reachable (and sometimes auto selected)
Is there a way to remove them?

I got the suggestion to use the cross on the right but cross is only available for the 2 first ones.

In addition, items in the suggestion list can be faraway for entered data!

The autocomplete takes items from your contacts, as well as items from the recipient history. 

You will find the recipient history in Menu > Tools > Settings > Mail > Compose. You can either clear the whole history, or remove the obsolete ones you don’t want.

I’ve manually removed from contacts the old adresses (most of the errors of auto completions where here).
I’ve looked at this “recipients list” to find other elements and removed them.
Thanks for your support