Yesterday I was on emClient v.9, the latest version, everything was working OK until without changing anything, one of my email accounts ([email protected]) got the red triangle, Connection Failed, but another account ( which is set up exactly the same way, carried on working OK. I have checked through my server, and the emails are working OK there. Turning emClient off and restarting, and rebooting Windows makes no difference, so I know the problem is with emClient. So I decided to upgrade to v.10, but the same situation still applies - I have the Personal Pro licence for 3 users. I have a laptop with an old version 9.2.1222 and that is receiving the emails from the problem account OK.
Here is a screenshot of my current v.10 display
You can see the 2 identical accounts that I’ve mentioned on the screenshot. I think I’ve checked everything I can, but I still have the problem, unusual on emClient that I’ve used for years.
Help, please!