Hello , I installed the eM Client and enjoyed it, but the app did not associate all my PSTs the old Outlook , how can I associate PSTs manually? My OS is win10 . grateful Enzo

Hello Enzo, not quite sure what you’re suggesting, to import your data from PST files, navigate to Tools > Import > Import from Microsoft Outlook and select the option “Import data from a selected PST file”, navigate to the file and select which folders you’d like to import.

Hope this helps,

Hello Paul , thanks for your feedback.Yes, helped , I got it  make the association of my old PSTs .

Thank you for your help.


Glad it works, please make sure to let us know if you come across any other issues or questions about the application, we’ll be happy to help.


Hi I have a similar problem trying to import .pst files from MS Outlook.

Tools > Import > Import from Microsoft Outlook

but this next bit is greyed out and won’t let me select it:
select the option “Import data from a selected PST file”, navigate to the file and select which folders you’d like to import.

any ideas?

Hi Alison,
is there any error or crash report happening when you try to import? You need to choose the radio button next to the “Import data from a selected PST file” before you can select the location of your PST file.
If I am misunderstanding the issue, could you take a screenshot of the selected option and the button still being greyed out?


Hi, in tools I do not see > Import   option. 

Menu > File > Import