New features: onmouseover, unrequest encryption


It’s nice mail client. I’m testing right now and I have some ideas for future features.

  1. Onmouseover - it means (like in Outlook) during mouse goes over the mails rows, rows background colors change.
  2. If I set request encryption as default but I don’t have receiver certificate I cannot send the e-mail. There is similar option in Outlook but when I don’t have other side certificate I can just sign the message without encryption but when I have the certificate e-mail is encrypted. That should work, no blocking to send a message just untick encryption and that’s all.
  3. Encryption and alghoritms - Outlook uses strong SHA512 and AES256 but eM Client uses weak SHA1 and 3DES.

If above features are in the next releases I can buy a lot of licences and recommend my customers this mail client.

Best regards,


Thank you for all the feedback and the suggestions.

As for encryption, version 7.1 will feature full support of PGP and also a simplified security (S/MIME and PGP) certificate and key management.

I’d please ask other users who’d like to see the onmouseover to add their vote to the Idea thread. The feature requests will be reviewed when deciding on features for the next version.

Thank you,


I’ve tried 7.1 and there isn’t improving the ciphers and algorithms.
Can you provide the date when you enable support for better security?

Thank you in advamce.



Is there any progress regarding the encryption algorithms?
I asked about it 2 years ago and eM Client still works using 3DES with 192 bits.
Thank you for information.



You can find the PGP and S/MIME encryption settings in Menu > Tools > Settings > Signing and Encryption. Then, after you create/upload your key pair you can start encrypting your messages.


I know how to configure encryption. I was asking about ciphers for S/MIME.
eM Client uses weak algorithms and I’d like to know when or how can it be improved.

Any news regarding AES and SHA512 for S/MIME in eM Client 8 ?