New Event in Calendar: Recurrence Tab "End by" Pre-fill / Pop-up Needs to be in Future

When creating a new event in the Calendar, and you click on a day (say, in month view), the Start and End dates are pre-filled with the date you selected. That’s fine – as it should be.

However, when creating that new event, if you click on the Recurrence tab, and then click Daily, Weekly, etc., the “End by” date is pre-filled with today’s date, rather than the date selected on the calendar. Similarly (because today’s date is pre-filled), if you click on the calendar pop-up in the “End by” field, that pop-up starts with today’s month (and today is highlighted), rather than the month of the day (in the future) that you may have first selected on the calendar.

Thus, this is a minor bug. The pre-filled “End by” date in the Recurrence tab should function the same way that the “End” field does in the General tab when creating a new event, i.e., start with the date that was selected for the new event.

this has been fixed. The fix will be included in the next update.

Thanks (for the info, and for the reply).