New Dark Theme

I modified the dark theme created by Paul Rodarte. Adding a thumbnail is too time consuming so I didn't. Create a file with the extension .emtheme, copy all this into it and put the file in he windows directory C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\Themes Not sure where to put it on macs.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<darkcolortheme name="Dark Theme v8j1" author="Paul Rodarte and Jim McDaniel"><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Form--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainboxbordercolor description="Color of a space around messages/contact/event/task list">#010024</mainboxbordercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formbackground description="Background color of all windows">#3D3E45</formbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formforeground description="Color of texts in all windows">#FFFFFF</formforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formcaptionbuttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button">Transparent</buttonbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttontextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button">#FFFFFF</buttontextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbordercolor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</buttonbordercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#191A22</buttonhoverbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhovertextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</buttonhovertextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderhovercolor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</buttonborderhovercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#FFA002</buttoncheckedbackcolor> <!-- ORN --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#FFFFFF</buttoncheckedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbordercheckedcolor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">Transparent</buttonbordercheckedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#FFA002</buttonpressedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#FFFFFF</buttonpressedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderpressedcolor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">Transparent</buttonborderpressedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttondisabledbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">Transparent</buttondisabledbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttondisabledtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#808080</buttondisabledtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderdisabledcolor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</buttonborderdisabledcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoninvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</buttoncheckedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</buttonpressedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</buttonhoverinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoninvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  </formcaptionbuttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formcaptionbuttonbackgroundpressed description="Background for buttons in the right-top area of a form caption when the button is pressed">#86C0FF</formcaptionbuttonbackgroundpressed><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formcaptionbuttonbackgroundover description="Background for buttons in the right-top area of a form caption when mouse is over the button">#E1E1E1</formcaptionbuttonbackgroundover><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formcaptionbuttonbackgroundchecked description="Background for checked buttons in the right-top area of a form caption">#E1E1E1</formcaptionbuttonbackgroundchecked><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formheader description="Header color of all windows">Transparent</formheader><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formheaderactive description="Header color of an active window">Transparent</formheaderactive><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formheaderforeground description="Color of a text in window header">Transparent</formheaderforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <formheaderactiveforeground description="Color of a text in an active window header">Transparent</formheaderactiveforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <readmailformbackground description="Background color of a form used for reading emails">#3D3E45</readmailformbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sendmailformbackground description="Background color of a form used for composing emails">#3D3E45</sendmailformbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for the main window">#000000</mainformbackgroundstart> <!-- Bkgnd: top of left sidebar & top of main window behind menu items --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for the main window">#000055</mainformbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformheader description="Header background color for main window">#000000</mainformheader><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformheaderactive description="Header background color for active main window">Transparent</mainformheaderactive><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <buttonbackground description="Background color of all buttons">#3D3E45</buttonbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <buttonforeground description="Text color of all buttons">#FFFFFF</buttonforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <textboxbackground description="Background color of a text box control">#FFFFFF</textboxbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <textboxforeground description="Color of a text in a text box control">#000000</textboxforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <link description="Color of links">#88C1FF<br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <borderline description="Color of form border">#0000FF</borderline> <!-- border around pop-up forms --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <borderlineactive description="Color of an active form border">Transparent</borderlineactive><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <darkline description="Color of darker lines used on forms">#CCCCCC</darkline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <lightline description="Color of lighter lines used on forms">#191A22</lightline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <informationbarbackground description="Background color of an information bar">infobackground</informationbarbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <informationbarforeground description="Text color in an information bar">buttontext</informationbarforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainforminformationbarbackground description="Background color of an information bar">#3D3E45</mainforminformationbarbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainforminformationbarforeground description="Text color in an information bar">#FFFFFF</mainforminformationbarforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <antiphishingbarbackground description="Background color of an antiphishing bar shown when the mouse is over a link">#3D3E45</antiphishingbarbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <showmainformverticalsplitterlines description="Indicates if a vertical line should be displayed between the messages/contact/event/task list and left or right sidebar">True</showmainformverticalsplitterlines><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <verticalsplitterlinesspace description="Space around a vertical line between the messages/contact/event/task list and left or right sidebar">8</verticalsplitterlinesspace><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <showmainformhorizontaltopline description="Indicates if a horizontal line should be displayed above the message list">False</showmainformhorizontaltopline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupheaderbackground description="Background color of group header">#303136</groupheaderbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupheaderforeground description="Text color of group header">#FFFFFF</groupheaderforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <wizardheaderbackground description="Background color of Wizard header">#303136</wizardheaderbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <wizardheaderforeground description="Text color of Wizard header">#FFFFFF</wizardheaderforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Message list--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <messagesmultilinefirstlinecolor description="Color of a text shown on the first line for a multiline message list">#FFFFFF</messagesmultilinefirstlinecolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <messagesmultilinesecondlinecolor description="Color of a text shown on the second line for a multiline message list">#FFFFFF</messagesmultilinesecondlinecolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <messagesmultilinetimecolor description="Color of a date/time text shown on the first line for a multiline message list">#FFFFFF</messagesmultilinetimecolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <messagesunreadmarkercolor description="Color of a marker indicating an unread message">#FFA500</messagesunreadmarkercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Message detail/preview--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mailsubject description="Color of mail subject text">#1E1E1E</mailsubject><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <messagepanelbackground description="Background color of the message preview panel">White</messagepanelbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Search box--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <searchboxactivebordercolor description="Border of a search box on the main form when search is currently active">#FFA500</searchboxactivebordercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Mail header--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mailheaderbackground description="Background color of a bar with a basic information about the email">#CCCCCC</mailheaderbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mailheaderlink description="Color of an email address shown in the bar with a basic information about the email">#11529C</mailheaderlink><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mailheaderforeground description="Color of a text in the bar with a basic information about the email">#6D6D6D</mailheaderforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <maillink description="Color of links in an email">#0000EE</maillink><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <maillinkvisited description="Color of visited links in an email">#551A8B</maillinkvisited><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Grid--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid">#3D3E45</gridheaderstart> <!-- Gray --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheadermiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid">#3D3E45</gridheadermiddle><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid">#3D3E45</gridheaderend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderhoveredstart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the mouse is over">#222327</gridheaderhoveredstart> <!-- Darker gray --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderhoveredmiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the mouse is over">#222327</gridheaderhoveredmiddle><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderhoveredend description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the mouse is over">#222327</gridheaderhoveredend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderpressedstart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#222327</gridheaderpressedstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderpressedmiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#222327</gridheaderpressedmiddle><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderpressedend description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#222327</gridheaderpressedend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderfontcolor description="Color of the text shown in the datagrid column headers">#C8C8C8</gridheaderfontcolor> <!-- light gray --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridheaderborder description="Color of the bottom border in the datagrid column headers">#E7E8E9</gridheaderborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridbackground description="Background color of a datagrid">#1D1D1D</gridbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridfontcolor description="Font color in a datagrid">#FFFFFF</gridfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridodditembackground description="Alternating background color for the odd items in a datagrid">#303136</gridodditembackground> <!-- seems to have no effect --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridselecteditembackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid">#ffa200</gridselecteditembackgroundstart> <!-- ORN --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridselecteditembackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid">#ffa200</gridselecteditembackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridselecteditembackgroundinactivestart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid when the datagrid is not active">#303136</gridselecteditembackgroundinactivestart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridselecteditembackgroundinactiveend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid when the datagrid is not active">#303136</gridselecteditembackgroundinactiveend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridfocuseditembackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the focused item in datagrid">#26272A</gridfocuseditembackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridfocuseditembackgroundend description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the focused item in datagrid">#26272A</gridfocuseditembackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridselecteditemfontcolor description="Color of the text for the selected items in datagrid">#FFFFFF</gridselecteditemfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridfocuseditemrecangle description="Color of the border line for the focused item in datagrid">#26272A</gridfocuseditemrecangle><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridcolor description="Color of the grid lines">#3D3E45</gridcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridselecteditemborder description="Color of the border line for the selected items in datagrid">#1355B7</gridselecteditemborder> <!-- Blue --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <griddisableditemborder description="Color of the border line for the selected items in datagrid when the datagrid is not active">Transparent</griddisableditemborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridmultilineheaderhoveredfontcolor description="Color of the text in multiline mode's header when mouse is over sort column name or sort column sort order">#11529C</gridmultilineheaderhoveredfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <gridadditemlinecolor description="Color of the line in datagrids that allow adding new items directly (contacts, events and tasks)">#000000</gridadditemlinecolor> <!-- has no effect --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <useroundedcornersfordatagridselection description="Specifies if a background for selected items in a datagrid should be drawn with rounded corners">False</useroundedcornersfordatagridselection><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Grid in main window--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window">#00007f</mainformgridheaderstart>  <!-- top, BLU --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheadermiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window">#00007f</mainformgridheadermiddle><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window">#0000ff</mainformgridheaderend> <!-- bottom, pure BLU --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderhoveredstart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the mouse is over">#ffa200</mainformgridheaderhoveredstart> <!--ORN --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderhoveredmiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the mouse is over">#ffa200</mainformgridheaderhoveredmiddle><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderhoveredend description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the mouse is over">#ffa200</mainformgridheaderhoveredend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderpressedstart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#D0E6FE</mainformgridheaderpressedstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderpressedmiddle description="Middle color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#D0E6FE</mainformgridheaderpressedmiddle><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderpressedend description="Ending color of the gradient used for the column headers in datagrid in the main window when the left mouse button is pressed on the column header">#D0E6FE</mainformgridheaderpressedend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderfontcolor description="Color of the text shown in the main window datagrid column headers">#FFFFFF</mainformgridheaderfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridheaderborder description="Color of the bottom border in the main window datagrid column headers">#000000</mainformgridheaderborder> <br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridbackground description="Background color of a datagrid in the main window">#000000</mainformgridbackground> <!-- central body background --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridfontcolor description="Font color in a datagrid in the main window">White</mainformgridfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridodditembackground description="Alternating background color for the odd items in a datagrid in the main window">#0C0D0E</mainformgridodditembackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridselecteditembackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid in the main window">#26272A</mainformgridselecteditembackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridselecteditembackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid in the main window">#26272A</mainformgridselecteditembackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridselecteditembackgroundinactivestart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid in the main window when the datagrid is not active">#222327</mainformgridselecteditembackgroundinactivestart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridselecteditembackgroundinactiveend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected items in datagrid in the main window when the datagrid is not active">#222327</mainformgridselecteditembackgroundinactiveend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridfocuseditembackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the focused item in datagrid in the main window">#ffa200</mainformgridfocuseditembackgroundstart> <!-- ORN -->  <br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridfocuseditembackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the focused item in datagrid in the main window">#B75700</mainformgridfocuseditembackgroundend> <!-- BRN End=bottom --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridselecteditemfontcolor description="Color of the text for the selected items in datagrid in the main window">#FFFFFF</mainformgridselecteditemfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridfocuseditemrectangle description="Color of the border line for the focused item in datagrid in the main window">#DCEBFC</mainformgridfocuseditemrectangle> <!-- Light Blue --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridcolor description="Color of the grid lines in the main window">#3D3E45</mainformgridcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridselecteditemborder description="Color of the border line for the selected items in datagrid in the main window">#303136</mainformgridselecteditemborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgriddisableditemborder description="Color of the border line for the selected items in datagrid in the main window when the datagrid is not active">Transparent</mainformgriddisableditemborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridmultilineheaderhoveredfontcolor description="Color of the text in the main window in multiline mode's header when mouse is over sort column name or sort column sort order">#FFFFFF</mainformgridmultilineheaderhoveredfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridconversationcountbackground>#14869A</mainformgridconversationcountbackground> <!-- Dk Cyan --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgridconversationcountforeground>#FFFFFF</mainformgridconversationcountforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <useroundedcornersformaindatagridselection description="Specifies if a background for selected items in a datagrid on the main screen should be drawn with rounded corners">False</useroundedcornersformaindatagridselection><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Groups--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for groups shown in datagrid">#CCCCCC</groupsbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for groups shown in datagrid">#ffa200</groupsbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsforeground description="Color of the text for a group shown in datagrid">#CCCCCC</groupsforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsborder description="Color of a border line for groups shown in datagrid">#E7E8E9</groupsborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsitemscount description="Color of the items count text in a group shown in datagrid">#A0A0A0</groupsitemscount><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsselectedbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for selected groups shown in datagrid">#26272A</groupsselectedbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsselectedbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for selected groups shown in datagrid">#26272A</groupsselectedbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsselectedforeground description="Color of the text for a selected group shown in datagrid">#FFFFFF</groupsselectedforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsfocusedbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for a focused group shown in datagrid">#222327</groupsfocusedbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <groupsfocusedbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for a focused group shown in datagrid">#222327</groupsfocusedbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Groups in main window--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#ffa200</mainformgroupsbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#ffa200</mainformgroupsbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsforeground description="Color of the text for a group shown in datagrid in the main window">#ffa200</mainformgroupsforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsborder description="Color of a border line for groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#ffa200</mainformgroupsborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsitemscount description="Color of the items count text in a group shown in datagrid in the main window">#A0A0A0</mainformgroupsitemscount> <!-- This seems to have no effect --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsselectedbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for selected groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#46484D</mainformgroupsselectedbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsselectedbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for selected groups shown in datagrid in the main window">#46484D</mainformgroupsselectedbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsselectedforeground description="Color of the text for a selected group shown in datagrid in the main window">#FFFFFF</mainformgroupsselectedforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsfocusedbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for a focused group shown in datagrid in the main window">#6B6C6F</mainformgroupsfocusedbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformgroupsfocusedbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for a focused group shown in datagrid in the main window">#222327</mainformgroupsfocusedbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Sidebar--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarminimizedfontcolor description="Color of the text used when the whole sidebar is minimized">#FFFFFF</sidebarminimizedfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarminimizedmouseoverfontcolor description="Color of the text used when the whole sidebar is minimized and the mouse is over the text">#FFA200</sidebarminimizedmouseoverfontcolor> <!-- ORN --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebardatagridbackground description="Background color of a datagrid used in sidebar">#181818</sidebardatagridbackground> <!-- dark gray --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarborder description="Color of the (outer) border line of the sidebar box">#26272A</sidebarborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarborderlight description="Color of the inner border line used in the sidebar box header">Transparent</sidebarborderlight><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarminimizedbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used for the background of sidebar when the sidebar is minimized">#26272A</sidebarminimizedbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarminimizedbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used for the background of sidebar when the sidebar is minimized">#26272A</sidebarminimizedbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarmaximizedbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background of sidebar when the sidebar is expanded">Transparent</sidebarmaximizedbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarmaximizedbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background of sidebar when the sidebar is expanded">Transparent</sidebarmaximizedbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarclosebuttonbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for the close button of the right sidebar if the mouse is over the button">#FFA200</sidebarclosebuttonbackgroundstart> <!-- 191A22 --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarclosebuttonbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for the close button of the right sidebar if the mouse is over the button">#FFA200</sidebarclosebuttonbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <showborderaroundrightsidebarbox description="Indicates if a border line should be displayed around boxes in the right sidebar">False</showborderaroundrightsidebarbox><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <drawlinesbetweensidebarboxes description="Indicates if a horizontal line should be displayed between sidebar boxes">FalseS</drawlinesbetweensidebarboxes><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarsplitterheight description="Height of splitters between boxes in a sidebar">1</sidebarsplitterheight><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <leftspinesplitterforeground description="Color of the splitter lines used in left sidebar">#3D3E45</leftspinesplitterforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <showborderaroundleftsidebarbox description="Indicates if a border line should be displayed around boxes in the left sidebar">False</showborderaroundleftsidebarbox><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarbuttonborder description="Border line color of buttons in sidebar">Transparent</sidebarbuttonborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarbuttonbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for buttons in sidebar">#000000</sidebarbuttonbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarbuttonbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for buttons in sidebar">#000000</sidebarbuttonbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarbuttonfontcolor description="Color of the text for buttons in sidebar">#FFFFFF</sidebarbuttonfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarbuttontoggledbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for buttons in sidebar when the button is in a toggled state">#222327</sidebarbuttontoggledbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarbuttontoggledbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for buttons in sidebar when the button is in a toggled state">#222327</sidebarbuttontoggledbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarbuttontogglefontcolor description="Color of the text for buttons in sidebar when the button is in a toggled state">#FFFFFF</sidebarbuttontogglefontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarcontactdetailsbackground description="Background color of the right sidebar contact details">#000000</sidebarcontactdetailsbackground> <!-- does nothing --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarcontactdetailscaptionforeground description="Text color of the contact caption in right sidebar contact details">#FFFFFF</sidebarcontactdetailscaptionforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <detachedchatwindowheadericonscolor description="Color of icons shown in a header of detached chat box">#FFFFFF</detachedchatwindowheadericonscolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <toolbarbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for a toolbar in sidebar (eg. search toolbar)">#000000</toolbarbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <toolbarbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for a toolbar in sidebar (eg. search toolbar)">#000000</toolbarbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Sidebar box--> <!-- left sidebar main selection boxes - mail, calendar, contact etc. --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxexpandedheaderfontcolor description="Color of the text used in the sidebar box header when the box is expanded">#FFFFFF</sidebarboxexpandedheaderfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxcollapsedheaderfontcolor description="Color of the text used in the sidebar box header when the box is not expanded">#FFFFFF</sidebarboxcollapsedheaderfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxheaderfontlight description="Color of the lighter text used as a shadow below the text in sidebar box header">Transparent</sidebarboxheaderfontlight><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxexpandedheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of expanded boxes in the sidebar">#ffa200</sidebarboxexpandedheaderstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxexpandedheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of expanded boxes in the sidebar">#ffa200</sidebarboxexpandedheaderend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxcollapsedheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of collapsed boxes in the sidebar">#3D3E45</sidebarboxcollapsedheaderstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxcollapsedheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of collapsed boxes in the sidebar">#3D3E45</sidebarboxcollapsedheaderend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxoverheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of boxes in the sidebar when the mouse is over the header">#65666B</sidebarboxoverheaderstart> <br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxoverheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of boxes in the sidebar when the mouse is over the header">#65666B</sidebarboxoverheaderend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <uselineargradientforsidebarboxheader description="Specifies that a linear gradient should be used for the sidebar boxes header instead of a round gradient">False</uselineargradientforsidebarboxheader><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxroundsize description="Diameter of corners of a sidebar box (zero means no rounded corners)">0</sidebarboxroundsize><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxsettingsiconovercolor description="Color of a settings icon shown in a sidebar box header when the mouse is over the icon">#FFFFFF</sidebarboxsettingsiconovercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxsettingsiconcolor description="Color of a settings icon shown in a sidebar box header when the mouse is over the header">#FFFFFF</sidebarboxsettingsiconcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxheaderfontsize description="Font size of a text in sidebar box header when a modern theme is used">13</sidebarboxheaderfontsize><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebarboxoverheaderfontcolor description="Color of the text used in the sidebar box header when the mouse is over the header">#FFFFFF</sidebarboxoverheaderfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <showborderaroundsidebarboxheader description="Indicates if a border line should be displayed around header of a sidebar box">False</showborderaroundsidebarboxheader><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Popup windows--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <popupformbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for popup windows">#3D3E45</popupformbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <popupformbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for popup windows">#3D3E45</popupformbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <popupformborder description="Color of the border line for a popup window">#0000ff</popupformborder> <!-- BLU --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <popupformforeground description="Color of the text in a popup window">#FFFFFF</popupformforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Tree structure--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewfirstlevelforeground description="Text color for the first-level text in a tree structure">#FFFFFF</treeviewfirstlevelforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewforeground description="Text color of a tree structure">#EEEEEE</treeviewforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewbackground description="Background color of a tree structure">#3D3E45</treeviewbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewselectedinactiveitemforeground description="Text color for the selected item in a tree structure when it is not active">#FFFFFF</treeviewselectedinactiveitemforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewselecteditemforeground description="Text color for the selected item in a tree structure">#FFFFFF</treeviewselecteditemforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewselecteditembackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure">#000000</treeviewselecteditembackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewselecteditembackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure">#000000</treeviewselecteditembackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewselecteditemborder description="Color of the border line for the selected item in a tree structure">Transparent</treeviewselecteditemborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewselectedinactiveitembackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure when it is not active">#000000</treeviewselectedinactiveitembackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewselectedinactiveitembackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure when it is not active">#000000</treeviewselectedinactiveitembackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewselectedinactiveitemborder description="Color of the border line for the selected item in a tree structure when it is not active">Transparent</treeviewselectedinactiveitemborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <treeviewnodeshowmoreforeground description="Text color for the 'More...' node in a tree structure">#11529C</treeviewnodeshowmoreforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <useroundedcornersfortreeviewselection description="Specifies if a background for selected items in a tree structure should be drawn with rounded corners">False</useroundedcornersfortreeviewselection><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Tree structure in main window--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewfirstlevelforeground description="Text color for the first-level text in a tree structure in the main window">#FFFFFF</mainformtreeviewfirstlevelforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewforeground description="Text color of a tree structure in the main window">#EEEEEE</mainformtreeviewforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewselectedinactiveitemforeground description="Text color for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window when it is not active">#FFFFFF</mainformtreeviewselectedinactiveitemforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewselecteditemforeground description="Text color for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window">#FFFFFF</mainformtreeviewselecteditemforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewselecteditembackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window">#434447</mainformtreeviewselecteditembackgroundstart> <br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewselecteditembackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window">#2C2D2F</mainformtreeviewselecteditembackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewselecteditemborder description="Color of the border line for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window">Transparent</mainformtreeviewselecteditemborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewselectedinactiveitembackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window when it is not active">#434447</mainformtreeviewselectedinactiveitembackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewselectedinactiveitembackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window when it is not active">#2C2D2F</mainformtreeviewselectedinactiveitembackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <mainformtreeviewselectedinactiveitemborder description="Color of the border line for the selected item in a tree structure in the main window when it is not active">Transparent</mainformtreeviewselectedinactiveitemborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Unread counts--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <unreadcountbackground description="Background color for an information about unread messages count in a folder">Transparent</unreadcountbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <unreadcountwarningbackground description="Background color for an information about unread messages count in a folder if there is a warning">Transparent</unreadcountwarningbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <unreadcountforeground description="Text color for an information about unread messages count in a folder">#FFFFFF</unreadcountforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <unreadcountwarningforeground description="Text color for an information about unread messages count in a folder if there is a warning">#DC143C</unreadcountwarningforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Attachments--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <useroundedcornersforattachmentselection description="Specifies if a background for attachment in a bar with attachments should be drawn with rounded corners">False</useroundedcornersforattachmentselection><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <attachmentsbackground description="Background color of a bar with attachments">#3D3E45</attachmentsbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <attachmentborder description="Border line color around a bar with attachments">#CDCDCD</attachmentborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <attachmentinactiveborder description="Border line color around an attachment in a bar with attachments if the bar is not active">#EBEBEB</attachmentinactiveborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <attachmentselectedborder description="Border line color around a selected attachment in a bar with attachments">#999999</attachmentselectedborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <attachmentselectedbackground description="Background color of a selected attachment in a bar with attachments">#DCEBFC</attachmentselectedbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <attachmentsinactivearrows description="Color of a the arrows shown in a bar with attachments if there are more attachment to show">#A0A0A0</attachmentsinactivearrows><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <attachmentselectedinactiveborder description="Border line color around a selected attachment in a bar with attachments if the bar is not active">#EBEBEB</attachmentselectedinactiveborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <attachmentselectedinactivebackground description="Background color of a selected attachment in a bar with attachments if the bar is not active">#EBEBEB</attachmentselectedinactivebackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Notification windows--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowheadericoncolor description="Color of icons shown in notification header when the mouse is over the notification">#B4B4B4</notificationwindowheadericoncolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowheadericonovercolor description="Color of icons shown in notification header when the mouse is over the icon">#FFFFFF</notificationwindowheadericonovercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowheaderforeground description="Color of the header text in a notification window">#FFFFFF</notificationwindowheaderforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowforeground description="Color of the text in a notification window">#FFFFFF</notificationwindowforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowgraytext description="Color of the grayed text in a notification window">#C8C8C8</notificationwindowgraytext><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for notification windows">#3D3E45</notificationwindowbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for notification windows">#3D3E45</notificationwindowbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of notification windows">#222327</notificationwindowheaderstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of notification windows">#222327</notificationwindowheaderend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowheaderborder description="Color of the border line around notification windows header">Transparent</notificationwindowheaderborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowborder description="Border line color around a notification window">#303136</notificationwindowborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowbackgroundgradientangle description="An angle in which the gradient used as a background for a notification window will be shown">0</notificationwindowbackgroundgradientangle><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <notificationwindowuseroundedcorners description="Specifies if the notification windows should have rounded corners">False</notificationwindowuseroundedcorners><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Calendar--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarmainnavigationbackground description="Background color of the topmost space of the calendar where date and navigation arrows are present">#010E63</calendarmainnavigationbackground>  <!-- 3D3E45 --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarmainnavigationforeground description="Font color of the topmost space of the calendar where date and navigation arrows are present">#FFFFFF</calendarmainnavigationforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header with days in a calendar">#303136</calendarheaderstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header with days in a calendar">#303136</calendarheaderend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarheaderfontcolor description="Color of the text in a header with days in a calendar">#FFFFFF</calendarheaderfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendartodayheaderfontcolor description="Color of the text for a current day in a header with days in a calendar">#000000</calendartodayheaderfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarsubheaderbackground description="Background color of a space between the header with days and the main calendar view (week or day calendar view)">#26272A</calendarsubheaderbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarbackground description="Background color of a calendar">#26272A</calendarbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarnonworkinghoursbackground description="Background color of a calendar for the time which is outside the working time (week or day view)">#303136</calendarnonworkinghoursbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarhoursbackground description="Background color of a left-side bar with hours in a week or day view">#3D3E45</calendarhoursbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarhoursfontcolor description="Color of the text a left-side bar with hours in a week or day view">#FFFFFF</calendarhoursfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendaractivedaybackground description="Background color of an currently selected day in a calendar">#ffa200</calendaractivedaybackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendargridstrongline description="Color of vertical lines in a month view">#000000</calendargridstrongline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendargridlightline description="Color of horizontal lines in a week view">#000000</calendargridlightline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendargridverylightline description="Color of a top line in a week view">#000000</calendargridverylightline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendargriddarkline description="Color of vertical lines and several horizontal lines in a week view">#000000</calendargriddarkline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarmonthviewdayheaderfontcolor description="Color of the text for each day (day number) in month calendar view">#FFFFFF</calendarmonthviewdayheaderfontcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarmonthviewdayheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header for each day in a month calendar view">#191A22</calendarmonthviewdayheaderstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarmonthviewdayheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header for each day in a month calendar view">#191A22</calendarmonthviewdayheaderend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendartodaybackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header for a current day">#ffa200</calendartodaybackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendartodaybackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header for a current day">#ffa200</calendartodaybackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarheaderborder description="Border line color around calendar header">#787878</calendarheaderborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarcurrenttimeline description="Color of a line displaying current time in a week view">#FF4500</calendarcurrenttimeline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarevenmonthbackground description="Alternating background color for even months in a calendar (month view)">#3D3E45</calendarevenmonthbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendartasksheaderbackground description="Background color of a header for tasks shown below the calendar in day or week view">#303136</calendartasksheaderbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendartasksdraggedtaskpointer description="Color of a pointer when dragging a task shown below the calendar in day or week view">#FF0000</calendartasksdraggedtaskpointer><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendarusetransparencyforunselectedevents description="Specifies whether unselected events in calendar is drawn transparent">False</calendarusetransparencyforunselectedevents><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <calendaruselineargradientsforevents description="Specifies whether events' background is solid or a linear gradient is used">False</calendaruselineargradientsforevents><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Date selector--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <dateselectorforeground description="Text color of the small preview calendar">#FFFFFF</dateselectorforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <dateselectorinactiveforeground description="Text color of a non-active month in the small preview calendar">#CCCCCC</dateselectorinactiveforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <dateselectorselectionborder description="Color of the border line for the selected dates in the small preview calendar">#67EFF5</dateselectorselectionborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <dateselectorselectionbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected dates in the small preview calendar">#222327</dateselectorselectionbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <dateselectorselectionbackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected dates in the small preview calendar">#222327</dateselectorselectionbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <dateselectorselectioninactivebackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as a background for the selected dates in the small preview calendar when it is not active">#303136</dateselectorselectioninactivebackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <dateselectorselectioninactivebackgroundend description="Ending color of the gradient used as a background for the selected dates in the small preview calendar when it is not active">#303136</dateselectorselectioninactivebackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <dateselectorselectioninactiveborder description="Color of the border line for the selected dates in the small preview calendar when it is not active">Transparent</dateselectorselectioninactiveborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <useroundedcornersfordateselector description="Specifies if a background for selected dates in a small preview calendar should be drawn with rounded corners">False</useroundedcornersfordateselector><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Contact business cards--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardsborder description="Border line color of a contact if switched to a business cards view">#FFFFFF</businesscardsborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardsforeground description="Text color of a contact if switched to a business cards view">#FFFFFF</businesscardsforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardsselectedborder description="Border line color of a contact under the mouse position if switched to a business cards view">#BFDAE8</businesscardsselectedborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardsselectedbackground description="Background color of a selected contact if switched to a business cards view">#303136</businesscardsselectedbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardshoveredborder description="Border line color of a contact under the mouse position if switched to a business cards view">#BFDAE8</businesscardshoveredborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardshoveredbackground description="Background color of a contact under the mouse position if switched to a business cards view">#222327</businesscardshoveredbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardsbackground description="Border line color of a selected contact if switched to a business cards view">#000000</businesscardsbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardscardbackground description="Background color of a contact if switched to a business cards view">#000000</businesscardscardbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <businesscardshorizontalline description="Color of a horizontal line between contacts">#000000</businesscardshorizontalline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Contacts--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <contactsselectoritembackground description="Background color of active letter selector item">#191A22</contactsselectoritembackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <contactsselectoritemforeground description="Text color of active letter selector item">DarkGray</contactsselectoritemforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <contactsselectorforeground description="Text color of letter selector items">DarkGray</contactsselectorforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <contactsselectorbackground description="Background of letter selector items">Transparent</contactsselectorbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Widgets--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <widgetheaderstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for header of widgets">#F8F8F8</widgetheaderstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <widgetheaderend description="Ending color of the gradient used as the background for header of widgets">#F8F8F8</widgetheaderend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <widgetheaderfontcolordark description="Color of the text used in the widget header">#000000</widgetheaderfontcolordark><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <widgetheaderfontcolorlight description="Color of the lighter text used as a shadow below the text in widget header">#EBEDEE</widgetheaderfontcolorlight> <!-- Very light gray --><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <widgetbackgroundstart description="Starting color of the gradient used as the background for a widget">#FFFFFF</widgetbackgroundstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <widgetbackgroundend description="Endig color of the gradient used as the background for a widget">#FFFFFF</widgetbackgroundend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <widgetborder description="Color of the widget border line">#CCCFCF</widgetborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Status bar--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <statusbarinfiniteprogress description="Color of the infinite progress line">#FFA500</statusbarinfiniteprogress><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <statusbarinfiniteprogressbackground description="Background color of the infinite progress line">#191A22</statusbarinfiniteprogressbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <statusbarprogress description="Color if the progress line">#FFA500</statusbarprogress><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <statusbarbackground description="Background color of a status bar">#3D3E45</statusbarbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <statusbarbackgroundover description="Background color of a minimized status bar when the mouse is over">#303136</statusbarbackgroundover><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <statusbarforeground description="Text color of a status bar">#FFFFFF</statusbarforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <statusbarbackgroundoffline description="Background color of a status bar when the app is in offline mode">#CC0000</statusbarbackgroundoffline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <statusbarforegroundoffline description="Text color of a status bar when the app is in offline mode">#FFFFFF</statusbarforegroundoffline><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Scrollbar--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <usesystemscrollbar description="Use system scrollbars with no automatic hiding">True</usesystemscrollbar><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <scrollbarthumb description="Color of a scrollbar thumb">#D3D3D3</scrollbarthumb><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <scrollbarthumbhover description="Color of a scrollbar thumb when the mouse is over">#808080</scrollbarthumbhover><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Tab control--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <tabforecolor description="Text color of active tab page">#FFFFFF</tabforecolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <tabbackcolor description="Background color of active tab page">#303136</tabbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <tabinactiveforecolor description="Text color of inactive tab page">#FFFFFF</tabinactiveforecolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <tabinactivebackcolor description="Background color of inactive tab page">#3D3E45</tabinactivebackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <!--Account wizard--><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <accountwizardboxheadercollapsed description="Background color of a collapsed header in the account wizard">#303136</accountwizardboxheadercollapsed><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <accountwizardboxheaderexpanded description="Background color of an expanded header in the account wizard">#191A22</accountwizardboxheaderexpanded><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <accountwizardboxbackground description="Background of an expanded header in the account wizard">#3D3E45</accountwizardboxbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <accountwizardselecteditemgradientstart description="Starting color of a gradient used for the backgroud of a selected item in the account wizard">#303136</accountwizardselecteditemgradientstart><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <accountwizardselecteditemgradientend description="Ending color of a gradient used for the backgroud of a selected item in the account wizard">#3D3E45</accountwizardselecteditemgradientend><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <toolstripcolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button">Transparent</buttonbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttontextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button">#FFFFFF</buttontextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonbordercolor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</buttonbordercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonhoverbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#191A22</buttonhoverbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonhovertextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</buttonhovertextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonborderhovercolor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</buttonborderhovercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoncheckedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#FFA002</buttoncheckedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoncheckedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#FFFFFF</buttoncheckedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonbordercheckedcolor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">Transparent</buttonbordercheckedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonpressedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#FFA002</buttonpressedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonpressedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#FFFFFF</buttonpressedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonborderpressedcolor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">Transparent</buttonborderpressedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttondisabledbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">Transparent</buttondisabledbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttondisabledtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#808080</buttondisabledtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonborderdisabledcolor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</buttonborderdisabledcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoninvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoncheckedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</buttoncheckedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonpressedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</buttonpressedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonhoverinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</buttonhoverinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoninvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    </buttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <highlightedbuttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button">#FFA500</buttonbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttontextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button">#FAFAFA</buttontextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonbordercolor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</buttonbordercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonhoverbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#191A22</buttonhoverbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonhovertextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</buttonhovertextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonborderhovercolor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</buttonborderhovercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoncheckedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#E1E1E1</buttoncheckedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoncheckedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#000000</buttoncheckedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonbordercheckedcolor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">Transparent</buttonbordercheckedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonpressedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#E1E1E1</buttonpressedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonpressedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#000000</buttonpressedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonborderpressedcolor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">Transparent</buttonborderpressedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttondisabledbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">#FFA500</buttondisabledbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttondisabledtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#808080</buttondisabledtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonborderdisabledcolor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</buttonborderdisabledcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoninvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoncheckedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</buttoncheckedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonpressedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</buttonpressedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonhoverinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</buttonhoverinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoninvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">      <buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    </highlightedbuttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <separatorcolor>#BDBDBD</separatorcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  </toolstripcolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <buttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button">#7C7A76</buttonbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttontextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button">#FFFFFF</buttontextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbordercolor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</buttonbordercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#191A22</buttonhoverbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhovertextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#FFFFFF</buttonhovertextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderhovercolor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</buttonborderhovercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#E1E1E1</buttoncheckedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#000000</buttoncheckedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbordercheckedcolor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">#000000</buttonbordercheckedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#E1E1E1</buttonpressedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#000000</buttonpressedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderpressedcolor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">#000000</buttonborderpressedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttondisabledbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">#E1E1E1</buttondisabledbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttondisabledtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#FAFAFA</buttondisabledtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderdisabledcolor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</buttonborderdisabledcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoninvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</buttoncheckedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</buttonpressedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</buttonhoverinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoninvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">True</buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">True</buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">True</buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  </buttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <highlightedbuttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button">#FFA500</buttonbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttontextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button">#FFFFFF</buttontextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbordercolor description="Gets the border color of a button">Transparent</buttonbordercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#E1E1E1</buttonhoverbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhovertextcolor description="Gets the text color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">#000000</buttonhovertextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderhovercolor description="Gets the border color of a button if the mouse cursor is over the button">Transparent</buttonborderhovercolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a checked button">#E1E1E1</buttoncheckedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a checked button">#000000</buttoncheckedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonbordercheckedcolor description="Gets the border color of a checked button">Transparent</buttonbordercheckedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a pressed button">#E1E1E1</buttonpressedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a pressed button">#000000</buttonpressedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderpressedcolor description="Gets the border color of a pressed button">Transparent</buttonborderpressedcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttondisabledbackcolor description="Gets the background color of a disabled button">#FFA500</buttondisabledbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttondisabledtextcolor description="Gets the text color of a disabled button">#808080</buttondisabledtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonborderdisabledcolor description="Gets the border color of a disabled button">Transparent</buttonborderdisabledcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoninvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is checked">False</buttoncheckedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">False</buttonpressedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">False</buttonhoverinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoninvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is in normal state">True</buttoninvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is checked">False</buttoncheckedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the button is pressed">False</buttonpressedinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow description="Indicates if the drop-down arrow should have inverted colors if the mouse cursor is over the button">False</buttonhoverinvertdropdownarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  </highlightedbuttoncolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <menucolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menubackcolor description="Gets the background color of a context menu">#3D3E45</menubackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuborder description="Gets the color that is used for the border of a context menu">#26272A</menuborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitemborder description="Gets the border color to use with a ToolStrip menu item">Transparent</menuitemborder><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitempressedbackcolor description="Gets the background color for the pressed menu item">#FFA500</menuitempressedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitemselectedbackcolor description="Gets the background color for the selected menu item">#FFA500</menuitemselectedbackcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitemtextcolor description="Gets the color of items text">#FFFFFF</menuitemtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitemdisabledtextcolor description="Gets the color of disabled items text">#6D6D6D</menuitemdisabledtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitempressedtextcolor description="Gets the color of pressed items text">#FFFFFF</menuitempressedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitemselectedtextcolor description="Gets the color of selected items text">#FFFFFF</menuitemselectedtextcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuiteminvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the menu item is in normal state">True</menuiteminvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitempressedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the menu item is pressed">True</menuitempressedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitemselectedinvertimage description="Indicates if an image should have inverted colors if the menu item is selected">True</menuitemselectedinvertimage><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuiteminvertexpandarrow description="Indicates if the expand arrow should have inverted colors if the menu item is in normal state">True</menuiteminvertexpandarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitempressedinvertexpandarrow description="Indicates if the expand arrow should have inverted colors if the menu item is pressed">True</menuitempressedinvertexpandarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <menuitemselectedinvertexpandarrow description="Indicates if the expand arrow should have inverted colors if the menu item is selected">True</menuitemselectedinvertexpandarrow><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">    <separatorcolor description="Gets the color for separators">#303136</separatorcolor><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  </menucolors><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <ismoderntheme description="Specifies if the theme is derived from a modern theme (there are several differences in calculating the size of user interface elements)">True</ismoderntheme><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <isdarktheme description="Specifies if the theme is derived from a dark theme">True</isdarktheme><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <screenshot description="Specifies a base64 encoded screenshot image"></screenshot><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebargridconversationcountbackground>#222327</sidebargridconversationcountbackground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value="">  <sidebargridconversationcountforeground>#FFFFFF</sidebargridconversationcountforeground><br alt="" name="" rel="" target="" title="" type="" value=""></darkcolortheme>