New calendar vertical year view


I have an idea for a really nice calendar view:

For fast planning of a year I often use a simple calendar with months in columns and days of month in rows. It’s really simple, and it’s a really clear view. But I didn’t find any calendar software yet, that offers this view.

Maybe eM Client could be the first?

I would like to see the first words of appointments of the day in that view. If I hover the mouse on a day, it could show all appointments of the day as list, agenda or maybe like the day-view. So the mouse would be like a lense for the details.

If you like it and want more, have a look at Kalender 2023 zum Ausdrucken als PDF (19 Vorlagen, kostenlos). There are more similar views.


Hi there,
please have also a look to my proposal in I am looking for a year view in the calendar
Year view (may be read only) would really be an advantage.