I can’t find LICENSE when clicking on the HELP key? ONLY COMES UP WITH CONTENTS F1 AND ABOUT

It should be there in Menu > Help > License.

It was there when I went back and I have hopefully activated my license, are you able to check that I’ve done it correctly Many thanks

Sorry Lorraine, this is a user forum, so we are not able to check the licensing server.

But you should be able to do that yourself. In Menu > Help > License it should indicate the details of your license. That would mean it is activated.

If you have a Pro License, you can use the license manager to see the status of the license.

Trying to activate license but there is not menu dropdown in the version I have downloaded.  Has it changed location?  Is there a new way to activate license?

If you are using a beta version ( 7.2.x) then there is no activation option as beta versions do not need to be licensed.