My free versionin the last few days has just started to not allow links to websites make the connection. PC . Running W7

My free versionin the last few days has just started to not allow links to websites make the connection. I have changed nothing on the PC or eM. Running W7

Is there any error message?

This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Unable to open web page.Create an association in the default programs control panel. In default control panel it tells me eMClient has all it’s associations. I have made no changes to eM or my PC - this has just happened.

Check that you have a default browser selected.

In Control Panel go to Programs > Default Programs > Set your default programs.


Click on your preferred browser in the list and choose Set this program as default.

Hi Gary,thanks for response. The only browser in my list is Internet Explorer which I don’t use. I have been with Google for over 10 years & haven’t changed. Google is working fine when I go direct to a website with the problem only when I try to follow a link from an email in eMClient. Is there a way to add programs to the default list? Thanks,JD.

Hi Gary, I have just checked on Google settings & Google is set as my default Browser but it doesn’t appear in the default list,thanks,JD

By Google do you mean Chrome?

If that is not in your list, it is possible it is a portable application, and as far as I understand portable applications can’t be set as default in Windows 7. Maybe someone else can clarify.

Hi Gary, sorted. In the Default control panel click on ’ set program access & computer defaults ’ In the box which appears click on non-microsoft  In my case I clicked on web browser & then checked list & Google had appeared . Linking to websites from eMClient now working again. Thanks for your help,cheers,JD

Glad you got it sorted. :slight_smile: