Moved folders not synced

Why when I move a synced folder to a local folder, it remains on server (I can see via gmail web interface). Do I have to manually delete messages and markers from webmail? 

Last Em Client version (6.0.22344.0) / gMail / IMAP on.

btw, em client still uploading a huge folder…

Hello, is it possible the items are still being moved from the server to local folders? Unfortunately I was unable to replicate this issue, and the folder is removed automatically once all items are moved.


i messed everything… first, i’ve moved a (lot of) local folder to inbox. then, when gmail storage are almost full, I moved all back to local folder, and the emails and labels are not deleting from web.
Now, i’m downloading all folders for offline use, for move to local folders. Next, I will go to webmail and delete manually.