Mail bloqué dans la boite d envoi

Comment supprimer un mail bloqué dans la boite d envoi?

Please close eM Client and open a Windows Command Prompt. Not a powershell, but a command prompt.

Paste in this command:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\eM Client\MailClient.exe" /dbrepair

Restart eM Client.

Thank you, but it doesn t work !!!

Did you try to delete it manually? Maybe try Shift + Delete.

ne fonctionne pas
mail toujours bloqué

If the email is stuck in the Outbox, delete it.

But there will be a reason it is stuck there. Either there is some error sending it, in which case you will find the error in Menu > Operations > Log tab, or some issue with your server. The operations log will give more details though.

probleme tout les comptes outlook
gmail ok
Protomail ok

The problem with outlook accounts has been discussed elsewhere on this forum. Here is the workaround we have provided until your email provider can fix their server: Problems when sending emails via SMTP with accounts