Lost contacts in latest emClient Version

After recent update I can no longer access my contacts. When I click on the “To” in the forward screen, I get a blank new contact form. How can I get back all my contacts?

Describe what you are attempting to do and what the results are.

If you begin to enter a few letters of the TO name, do you see suggestions listed?

If you click on the contacts icon at the bottom of the folder column, do you see your contacts?

I see a empty contact list.

Is this setting activated?

Menu > Settings > General > General > “Show local folders”

Yes. It is activated.

What version of eMC and operating systems are you using?

Billj1 did you find a solution to this issue?

I suffered the same issue when I updated to eM v9 (free version.

When I typed a regularly-used name into the To bar nothing popped up. I opened Contacts and it is completely blank.

I use Yahoo as an e-mail provider (IMAP); and eM has worked flawlessly for the past couple of years.

I turned on Local Folders, and still nothing is displayed.

I checked on the Yahoo web version and my Contacts are all there. The CardDAV URL under the Accounts tab is: https://carddav.address.yahoo.com/.well-known/carddav - I have no idea if this is correct, I assume it is as eM displayed my Contact under version 8.

I looked into C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\eM Client\Local Folders and there are a number of files with “contact” in the file name: contact_data.dat, contact_data.dat-shm, contact_data.dat-wal, contact_index.dat, contact_index.dat-shm, and contact_index.dat-wal.

I’m not sure what these files are.

Anyone resolved this issue? Or is the best bet to rebuild my Contacts list, manually?

Thanks for any help.

So far the problem is unresolved. I am going to try reimport my contacts.

I also lost my contacts after the update to v9. Fortunately, I export my e-mails and my contacts regularly and I was able to locate and import a version that still had the contacts.

I also ‘fixed’ mine by importing from a CSV file downloaded from Yahoo.

I would like to know if I could have eM read the contact info from Yahoo by changing the CardDAV URL to something else, but I cannot find anything on the web. Or if I could simply move/rename the files in my AppData/Roaming folder.

I recently tried to import my contacts from a csv file. I got an error that said the server could not create a file called “Contacts”. I now get this error message every time I start eM client. Anyone know how to fix tis problem?

I have the same problem. Apparently this has existed since 2020 according to the forms. I have been able to get them back [1/2 the time] as follows:

  • change view from contacts to emails
  • while in emails hit refresh

It is a pain in the neck and quite unnerving especially since it has been an issue for so long. Anyway like I said this only works about half the time but I’m able to go back-and-forth until it finally populates.

Hope it works for you good luck!