Install problem (solved itself)

Just for information.
On my laptop I received the notification for an update. While installing
I had the error:
The following error has occurred:
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Accès refusé. (Exception de HRESULT : 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
à MailClient.Utils.IApplicationAssociationRegistration.SetAppAsDefaultAll(String appRegistryName)
à MailClient.Utils.Integration.SetAsDefaultClientVista()
à MailClient.Utils.Integration.SetAsDefaultClient()
à MailClient.Program.Main(String[] args)

Fortunately, after a few pop-up windows and clicks. I closed eMClient and when it restarted, anything has been ok.

Hi, I shown this to developer despite that you were able to solve this, but this issue is totally random so I can’t provide any clarification why it happened.

But thank you for reporting it anyway.


I was not able to solve it. eMClient solved it itself :))
(I did not receive this update for my computer).

probably some elements collision, that would decsribed why it started working later :slight_smile:

I received the update also on my home computer and had similar errors which solved by themselves.
About collision :slight_smile: I sent you an email telling you eMClient works perfect, after you found the collision reason.