Inaccessible Folders

When I right click an e mail I get an option “Move to Folder” and a window appears showing all the folders i have created. However, a number of these folders do not appear in the list of folders in the left hand column of the EM Client e mail page and I am unable to access them. Can anyone help?

Could they be ‘hiding’ under the ‘MORE’ indicator?

No, I have tried “More” but they do not appear. I have eleven folders, which appear in the “Move to folder” window, but only seven of them appear under “folders” on the main page, even when “More” is pressed.

Perhaps they are sub-folders of another folder?
How about looking under Local Folders?
How about restarting eMC?

Thank you for your interest., but they do not appear under “Local Folders” and, having checked the contents of the folders that do appear, there are no sub folders in any of them

Regarding your other suggestion, if I uninstall EM Client and then reinstall, will i lose all the emails etc which are there at present?

I don’t believe I suggested an uninstall/reinstall.

Sorry, I understood your “restarting” as to reinstall, otherwise, EM Client gets “restarted” everyday

Just went thru the same steps you did and created a new folder and it ended up in the eMC left column folder list.

What version of eMC are you using?
Are you able to directly create a new folder in the eMC left column folder list?