Importing from Outlook Express

I’ve just downloaded eM Client to my desktop as a possible replacement for Outlook Express 6 when Orange discontinue their email service in May and I have some questions about importing from OE into eM Client. 

Does importing OE emails remove them from OE or just duplicate them over to eM Client?

Is it possible to import individual folders or does the import only move the entire contents of OE?

If it imports all of OE, how would these be transferred into eM Client, in the folders as they appear in OE or all the emails in one place?

Thanks in advance.

It would  be nice if the Service poste an answer here - it would be Feature in advance of Mail from Windows - which doesn’t cooperate wite OE

Hi Susan and Till

Importing from Outlook Express adds a copy of the Outlook Express data to eM Client, and leaves the original data in place.

The import will import the whole account.

![]( from outlook express second window.png “Image: from outlook express second window.png”)

The folder structure is imported exactly as is, so you will see the same folders in eM Client as you have in Outlook Express. You are also given the opportunity to select a different destination folder if you wish to keep them separate form your existing folders.