I have an old windows 10 computer

I have an old windows 10 computer with outlook and would like to transfer my email folders and addresses to a new windows 10 computer with eM client how should I do it?

I did this, but from an old Windows 10 computer to my newly built one.  The easiest way is to do a backup on the old computer, copy that to a flash drive and place that copy in its proper location for eM Client 7 and then do a restore on that computer.  Doing this should restore all your emails, folders, contacts, etc. 

In eM Client 7, goto to Menu>File>Backup 

After you backup, it should be located here:  C:\Users\your name(whatever your user name is)\Documents\eM Client.  Copy that file to a flash drive.  Then place the backup file in the same location on your new computer.

Then, in eM Client 7, goto to Menu>File>Restore

If you would like to actually see where your backup copy is created and kept in eM Client 7, goto Menu>Tools>Settings.  Under General on the left side of appearing window, select Backup.  Here you will actually see the path location for your backup file, shown as Target directory

At this location, you can also enable periodic backups, if you wish.  Doing so, however, will cause eM Client 7 to be opened automatically when you start up Windows 10. If you don’t want eM Client 7 to open at startup, you might want to force a backup from time to time by going to Menu>File>Backup.  

Automatic Backup does not cause eM Client to start with Windows.

That is something else and can be set in Menu > Tools > Settings > General.

Gary Curtin:

Well, it does on my, apparently, special computer.  I didn’t used to have automatic backups on in my old computer and eM Client never started with Windows 10, but when I enabled it on my new computer, it starts up automatically and is an open application once I login.

Yes, Menu>Tools>Settings>General and clicking Enable is how to turn automatic backups on.

I could go into to task manager and manually stop it from starting up, but it is actually handy, since I check my email first thing anyway.  

So, is my computer just so special that it opens eM Client on it’s own without any instruction from eM Client??  Man, I’ve go one smart computer.  :slight_smile: