How to evaluate new version with my data

I have two computers. The first one (Windows 7) has EMC 8.

On the second computer (Windows 11), I installed EMC 9 to check it out.I imported by data from computer #1 to check out version 9 with my data.

Version 9 complains that the license is not for version 9 and then goes into offline mode.

I have no problem buying another license, but I thought I could evaluate version 9 for a little while. I’d like to make sure that’s what I want on computer #2.

Any recommendations? Thanks.

If you have already activated a license or used eM Client before on that device, you won’t get a second evaluation period. You only get one 30 day evaluation per device. Unfortunately you don’t get another evaluation period for each major version when it is released.

However, we will be releasing version 10 later this year. The beta is available for testing and you don’t need a license to do that. If you won’t to try it, see: eM Client 10 BETA is here!

It’s a new device that hasn’t had EMC on it before. My installation of V9 was the first time for this new device.


It’s a new device that hasn’t had EMC on it before. My installation of V9 was the first time for this new device

I suspect “because you imported your prev eM CIient V8 data” from your Win 7 computer which has already been activated with your existing serial number, it knows you have already initally had a 30day trial, so wont do another 30day trial “even though its a different computer”.

So if you have Windows 11 on a differant computer and want a trial of V9 for 30 days, you would more than likely have to setup your account “as brand new without your existing data” with a different email address and either a free or paid license . If thats not the case @Gary will let you know.

But as you have Win 11, i personally wouldn’t bother with trialing V9 as V10 will be out this year which also has “alot more features and improvements” anyway, so in my opinion you are better to trial V10 with your existing data as @Gary suggested, which will also trial longer with no activation key required using the Beta for 3 months as per the announcements page link.

Ps I personally have been trialing the V10 Beta on Windows 11 and Mac Sonoma, and have found it imported my data and works great. Its very stable for me personally and I highly recommend it.

Yes, I imagine it’s due to the import of my old data. Maybe I’ll take a look at v10. Good to know it’s working well for you.