How do I delete a whole imported calendar in one go?

I have imported a calendar from Outlook which contains a large number of recurring appointments. I would like to delete this whole calendar from Em Client and start again. How do I do this?

you should be able to right click that calendar in the left side bar and select delete.
If this option isn’t available that would mean that calendar is set as default, you could delete the content of the calendar by going to Agenda, selecting all the events (ctrl + a) and press delete.

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If I create a new calendar, how do I set it as the default and will this then enable me to delete the other one?

Most email services don’t support changing the default calendar so you can’t switch it, it’s not allowed.


Thanks for the info. If I delete my 2 email addresses, can I then start again?

no, if you set the account again the calendar will be synchronized with the server which probably already contains all the events you want to delete.

The easiest way is to switch to Agenda view in the calendar press ctrl+a and delete all the items.


OK - I’ll give that a try. Thanks for your quick and helpful responses. David.