How do I attach a web address to an object in email so that when the object is clicked it goes to the web address?

Instead of showing the web link in an email, I want to insert a picture and attach the web link to the picture so that when the picture is clicked, it goes to the link and plays the video or whatever is there.


you can insert HTML code which can do this into new message by these steps:

  1. in “new message” window right click into text field
  2. select Insert - HTML
  3. Write or paste your HTML code into it and click on “OK”

It should be visible right after that for you if that worked.

with regards

My experience was not the same as yours.
I wanted the words “Click Here” in the e-mail I send to have an assigned internet website link so that the person receiving the e-mail would see the words “Click Here” and go to that link. When I did as you say the words “Click Here” were replace by the HTML link which looks very messy.

When I did the same with a picture, it accepted the Insert - HTML operation but the person who receives the e-mail sees the picture but when they click on it it does nothing. Please advise.

well then you need to use proper HTML code

a href=" *Click here link* "> * Click Here text*

put < on start before a


With an answer like that I’m done with this program. I’m going back to my other mail program where they know how to do this. Bye.

I don’t understand how else you want to write HTML code into email body than like this…


In the program “EssentialIPIM Pro”, which I use, I can highlight a word or phrase or picture and go to Insert Hyperlink and insert any web address. If it’s a word, the word will become a different color and be underlined in the outgoing email message. If it’s a picture you will not see any change. However, when the receiver gets the email he only has to click on the highlighted, underlined, word or the picture and it takes him to the web site.

this is good piece of software, but eM Client offers little more advanced HTML insert formatting, it is not hard to find any code you need and write it by yourself.

so because eM Client offers this already there is not plan to implement anything else for this.
