Google Contact sync Fehler

Jahrelange einwandfrei funktioniert, seit ein paar Tagen kommt die Meldung:
[Google Contacts] Die Synchronisation des Ordners’ [email protected]/Contacts’ ist fehlgeschlagen mit folgendem Fehler: Nullable object must have a value.

Weiß jemand Rat. Die Reparieren-Funktion fürhrt dazu, dass lediglich 320 Kontakte syncronisiert werden von 680 Kontakten, die auf dem Google-Server liegen.

Vielen dank im Voraus

Nullable object must have a value

You might have an old version of eM Client and need updating. What version are you running ? Also do you have Windows or Mac.

Hallo, ich benutze Pro-Version:
eM Client 9.2.1735+3d90379a93 (Windows 10)

hier sind noch mahr Details aus dem Protokoll:

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14:40:49.553|010|   Exception: MailClient.Storage.Application.OperationException: Die Synchronisation des Ordners' [email protected]/Contacts' ist fehlgeschlagen mit folgendem Fehler: Nullable object must have a value.
14:40:49.573|016|    ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value.
14:40:49.573|016|      at System.Nullable`1.get_Value()
14:40:49.573|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.ContactConvert.DateToDateTime(Date date)
14:40:49.573|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.ContactConvert.ToContact(Person contact, IInteractionController controller)
14:40:49.573|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.ContactItemSynchronizer.ConvertContact(Person contact, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
14:40:49.574|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.ContactItemSynchronizer.ContactsToItems(IEnumerable`1 contacts, CancellationToken cancellationToken)+MoveNext()
14:40:49.574|016|      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.InsertRange(Int32 index, IEnumerable`1 collection)
14:40:49.574|016|      at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.AddRange(IEnumerable`1 collection)
14:40:49.574|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizeContext`2.<>c__DisplayClass19_0`3.<Synchronize>g__FlushItems|1(Int32 threshold)
14:40:49.574|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizeContext`2.Synchronize[T,TUid,TVid](SynchronizationType synchronizationType, IEnumerable`1 items, Func`2 getUniqueId, Func`2 getVersionId, Func`3 hasChanged, Func`2 isDeleted, Func`2 convertItems, Action`2 updateItem)
14:40:49.574|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.ContactItemSynchronizer.Synchronize(IItemSynchronizeContext`1 synchronizeContext, Folder folder, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
14:40:49.574|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Common.ItemSynchronizer`2.<>c__DisplayClass40_2.<EnqueueSynchronize>b__6(WorkerStatus status, CancellationToken ct)
14:40:49.574|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.GenericGapiCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
14:40:49.574|016|      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
14:40:49.574|016|      at MailClient.Protocols.Gdata.GenericGapiCommand.Execute(WorkerStatus status)
14:40:49.574|016|      at MailClient.Commands.Command.Process(WorkerStatus status)
14:40:49.578|008|   AccountBase.ChangeOnlineState : State changed to OFFLINE due BrokenConnection

Kann man darau den Fehler erkennen?

Ok so your eM Client is a recent version 9.2.1735 and you have Windows 10 which should be fine.

Suggest then to next try Repairing your Gmail Contacts and see if that fixes the contacts sync error. That should re-sync it up with your Google Contacts online.

Failing i would next suggest if you use Gmail as a normal IMAP (Non Pop) account, to remove and re-add your Gmail account via the “Automatic email wizard” via “Menu / Accounts” and see if that fixes it.

Note:- If you do remove and re-add the account, backup first via “Menu / Backup”. You can see when the backup is complete in “Show Operations” via the dropdown on the right of refresh top left.

Hallo, vielen Danke für die Tips…
Kein Erfolg, nichts hat funktioniert. Konto entfernt und automatisch wieder hinzugefügt. Es werden danach nur noch 290 Kontakte vom Server geladen. Auf dem Sevrver befinden sich 680 Kontakte.
Repairing your Gmail Contacts hat ebenfalls keinen Erfolg gebracht.
Fehlermeldung: “Nullable object must have a value”


As repairing your Google contacts made no difference and removing and re-adding your Gmail account also made no difference, I would then next try uninstalling and reinstalling eM Client via the release history page.

Uninstall eM Client and “don’t delete the database” when asked on the uninstall wizard. Then re-download and reinstall eM Client again & see if that fixes it.

Failing that you might have an eM Client database problem.

So to test that, close eM Client again and go to your Win 10 profile “hidden roaming folder” eg: C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming and rename your current eM Client folder to eg: eM Client-old as per example screenshot below.

Then reopen eM Client and the email wizard will appear to setup your account as new. If that works, you then know your eM Client database had some sort of error and was the problem and you will have to go with the new mail database.

However if testing a new database also didn’t fix it, then you might have a eg: Windows 10 issue with either the OS or your Win 10 current profile.


Hallo, wie bewerten Sie folgendes:

Ich habe alle Kontakte aus / auf dem Google-Konto dirkt gelöscht.
Ergebis: EM-Client löscht ebenfalls alle kontakte, ohne Fehlermeldung

Ich habe die Kontakte im Google-Konto über die Webseite wieder hergestellt.
Ergebnis: EM-Client hat nur 20 Kontakte syncronisiert, von 680, mit Fehlermeldung: “Nullable object must have a value”

Das würde database problem in EM-Client oder Windows 10 ausschließen, oder?


I deleted all contacts from/on the Google account directly.
Result: EM client also deletes all contacts without error message

I restored the contacts in the Google account via the website.
Result: EM client only synced 20 contacts, out of 680, with error message: “Nullable object must have a value”

That would rule out database problem in EM client or Windows 10, right?

The fact that eM Client wont sync your same amount of contacts from your online Google account even after you deleted them online and added them back online again, shows you then might possibly have a local eM Client database problem.

Also as prev posted, the fact that the eM Client Google Contacts repair made no difference and removing and re-adding your Google account made no difference, again points to a possible database problem.

So you need to test eM Client with a new mail database as i advised above to see if thats the problem or if it’s a Windows related issue.

Also did you try uninstalling and reinstalling eM Client via the release history page ?

EM Client wurde neu installiert mit Verwendung der alten Datenbank.
Contact sync Fehler besteht weiterhin.

Neue Datenbank wurde erstellt.
Contact Sync Fehler besteht weiterhin.

Das Windowssystem läuft fehlerfrei und ohne Probleme

EM Client was reinstalled using the old database.
Contact sync error persists.

New database has been created.
Contact Sync error persists.

The Windows system runs error-free and without problems

Ok as uninstalling and reinstalling eM Client still didn’t make any difference, and even creating a new database didn’t make any difference, then the issue must be related to either your Windows OS somewhere or your current Windows profile has a problem, or you might have something optionally installed possibly interfering with eM Client.

I would next suggest to then try creating “a new Windows profile” and see if that works, incase your current Windows 10 user profile is possible corrupted in some way.

Next certain types of programs can sometimes interfere with mail clients such as eg: Optional Firewall / Security programs or Optional Antivirus programs or VPNs. So if you have any of those installed try completely disabling those to test

Failing that as a last resort, you might need to save all your files / documents and do a clean install of Windows 10 and eM Client. Good luck.


ich habe nun em Client auf einem komplett neuen PC installiert.
Das Google-Mail Kontakte konto darauf neu eingerichtet.
Die Datenbank nicht koipiert oder mitgenommen.

Der Contact sync Fehler erscheint genauso auch auf dem neuen PC !!!
Was stimmt da nicht?
Der Bug muss im em-Client liegen!


The cause of this is a contact in your Google Contacts that has only a year for a birthdate, so is missing the day and month.

You can open the Google Contacts web interface and search through them. If you find the one, add a day and month. Then restart eM Client and it will sync correctly. But there may be more depending on where they were originally created. Google Contacts don’t allow just a year.

We have provided a workaround for this which will be in the next 9.2 release.


Hallo, vielen Dank !!!
Genau so war es.
Kurioser Weise waren auf dem Web Interface alle daten korrekt, Geburtstag mit Datum, Monat und Jahr.
Der Trick den faulen eintrag zu finden ist:
Alle Google Kontate zu exportieren, als CSV-Datei.
Die CSV-Datei in Excel oder ähnliches Tabellenprogramm zu importieren. Spalte “Birthday” durchsichen, nach eintrag der nur eine Jahreszahl hat…
Ändern und Problem / Bug ist gefixt :grinning:

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