Gmail štítky

Klient eM vypadá dobře, rád bych si ho pořídil. Rád bych používal IMAP s Gmailem - otázka, jdou synchronizovat i štítky? Nikd ejsem to nenašel. diky

eM Client funguje s popisky v Gmail IMAP. Jen je třeba povolit podporu IMAP Gmail a konfigurovat nastavení vztahující se na etikety.

PS. I’m translating using Google/Jsem překládání pomocí Google

Thanks, IMAP works fine, but I have allowed labels in Gmail, but there are no labels in eM. Is there some special settings in em? Thanks

There’re no special settings in eM. Under Gmail Settings -> Labels, you need to set whether to ‘show in imap’, on or off. This is the only settings. Once you set them, and start to sync (send/receive) button, the folder will appear.

What version of em are you using?

I have Labels under gmail settings ON, in Outlook are, in eM not. Version 3.0.10206.0 CZ

Suppose to work… Does your Inbox work? I’m out of ideas if Outlook works. You need to wait for an official rep to help. Sorry.

I believe that em Client can only read GMail labels that were created in either em Client or the GMail web client. If you set up labels in Outlook or Thunderbird (or other) they will not show up unless you log into the GMail Web UI and rename them.

Maybe… I’ve stopped using Outlook since 2000. And never liked Thunderbird. If rename them via the web in Gmail works, I suppose it a quick fix.

Gmail stitky by sa mali synchronizovat do eM Clienta ako zlozky gmail uctu.
(Gmail labels should be synchronized to eM Client as gmail account subfolders.)