GMail Calender Not Updating in eM Client

I was having a problem where I would make a change to my GMail Calendar and after syncing with eM Client, the calendar in eM Client was not updating. I would repeatedly tell it to sync (via the Send and Receive option), but was having no luck. If I made a change in eM Client, that would show up correctly up at GMail though.

What I found out was if I change the month I am viewing (I routinely keep my calendar in Month View) and then change back to the current month, it will then update with all the changes that I had made via GMail. While this is not a huge issue, it seems there is no real way to tell the calendar to update itself or refresh itself if it gets stuck. The workaround I’ve found is to change the month and then change back.

  • Merg

Hi, can you please try to use the “refresh” button when you’re located in your calendar (instead of moving between months), and check if the calendar is updated after you hit “refresh”?
If not, what version of eM client are you currently using?

Thank you,


I looked everywhere for that darn option and never saw it right there in front of me. The next time I see the issue, I’ll use it. I’m guessing that will do the trick…


  • Merg

Hi again, please let me know if you come across any further issues with the calendar synchronization or any other issues or questions as a matter of fact. We’ll be happy to help.

Thank you,