Font size in Contact Details/Agenda/Invitations panel.

I’ve been using eM Client for 2 days now and I’m loving it.

When I’m viewing the conversation thread in the Contact Details panel the font used for each thread item that is listed is quite large compared to the rest of the eM Client interface. Is there a reason for this large font and can it be changed?


can you attach here a screenshot of this issue here? I am having all in proportional size.

best regards

Hi. Screen shot attached.

I’ve found what’s causing this. I’ve changed my “list font” to 10 pt and it seems to have an amplified effect on the Contact Details panel. Not sure why.


situation on your screenshot is normal, everything is in right proportions so I do not see any problem at your side.

best regards

Thanks. :slight_smile:

you’re welcome :slight_smile:

best reagards